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Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2



Joint material for grouting ceramic floor tiles on rigid cement-based subfloors. Joint width of 4-12 mm

  • epdfeica-692 voegenbreed uk.pdf

    epdfeica-692 voegenbreed uk.pdf

  • pdf-product-specification.pdf


  • 692-safety data sheet uk.pdf

    692-safety data sheet uk.pdf

  • Product Typification
    Joint material for grouting ceramic floor tiles on rigid cement-based subfloors. Joint width of 4-12 mm
    Basis : Cement-powder with additives and a high synthetic binder content, to be mixed with water.
    Colour : Grey..
    Consistency : After mixing a smooth and homogeneous mixture.

    Product advantages:
    • Dust reduced
    • Suitable for floor tiles 
    • Suitable for all rigid subfloors 
    • Joint width 4-12 mm 
    • Very suitable for large floors

  • Colour

    The 692 Jointing Cement is available in the next colour:


  • Performances
    Classification : Complies with CG1, according to NEN EN 13888.
    Cleaning resistance : 692 Jointing Cement is resistant against domestic cleaners with a pH-value of 7 or higher.
    Consumption : 

    600-3.000 g/m², depending on the size of the tile, joint width and depth. The following formula will enable you to calculate the required quantity of grouting cement per m²:

    joint width (mm) x joint depth (mm) x joint length per m² (m¹) x specific weight (1.7) x extra
    expenditure factor (1.5) =……g/m².
    Curing : Depending on the temperature and subfloor, the hardening to a low-tension joint takes place in 1 to 2 days through drying and hydraulic bonding. During the curing of the joint, the temperature must remain above 5 °C during the day and at night.
    Dust factor : Components with a particle of < 2 µm(micrometer) < 5%
  • Application
    • For grouting ceramic floor tiles, as well as natural stone on all rigid subfloors e.g. concrete, cement screeds etc. Joint width 4-12 mm.
    • Not suitable as acid- and heat-resistant grouting material on sinks, laboratory tables and industrial floors which will be affected by chemicals.
    • For these applications we recommend 716 Eurodur HP or 703 Spout Epoxy.

  • Working Process
    Mixing ratio : add 25 kg 692 Jointing Cement to approx. 5 litres of water.
    Waiting time : After mixing with water wait for a few minutes, stir once again and apply the mixture into the joints.
    Application temperature : From 5º C to 25 ºC (temperature of the surrounding as well as the subfloor). .Low temperatures slow down the setting.
    Processing time : At a temperature of approx. 20 °C, applied the mixture within 2 hours. Higher temperatures will abbreviate the working time, lower temperatures will lengthen the working time.
    Curing : Depending on the temperature and subfloor, the hardening to a low-tension joint takes place in 1 to 2 days through drying and hydraulic bonding. During the curing of the joint, the temperature must remain above 5 °C during the day and at night.
    Storage : Store cool and dry in unopened packaging.
    Shelf Life : 12 Months, in unopened packaging. After use close the open packaging well.

    * The mentioned values have been established in our laboratory and must be considered as guidelines in view of possible variations in climatic circumstances, subfloor compositions and layer thickness.


    600-3.000 g/m², depending on the size of the tile, joint width and depth. The following formula will enable you to calculate the required quantity of grouting cement per m²:

    joint width (mm) x joint depth (mm) x joint length per m² (m¹) x specific weight (1.7) x extra
    expenditure factor (1.5) =……g/m².

    User manual:
    • For an optimal grouting of the tiles, the joints must be free from adhesive and/or mortar residues and the substrate and the adhesive or mortar must be sufficiently dry at the time of grouting.
    • Tiles fixed with adhesive can be grouted after approx. 24 hours. Floor tiles fixed in the mortar can be grouted immediately. Following these regulations, drying of the joints will take place equally.
    • For a good quality of the joint, the water/powder ratio is very important. Add 25 kg of 692 Jointing Cement to approx. 5 litres of cool and clean tap water and stir the mortar for approx. 1 minute, by using an electric stirrer (approx. 600 rpm), to a smooth and homogeneous mixture. After stirring wait for a few minutes and stir once again. This gains an optimal application and an extended potlife.
    • Apply the mortar within 2 hours fully into the joints with a grouting trowel or wiper. Remove excess material immediately. Do not add extra water! Mixing without water is permitted.
    • After grouting wait until the joint will turn somewhat dull. Depending on the circumstances (temperature, relative humidity, type of tile and subfloor) this takes place in 15 to 45 minutes. The joint should be sufficiently dry otherwise the joint will be washed out (Tip: when no mortar is left on your finger after touching the material with a fingertip, the joint is ready for sponging).
    • Moisten the entire tile work with a rotating movement with a light moist sponge blade and wait for approx. 1 minute. Through this the residual cement haze can easily be removed from the tile work. When using a sponge bin and sponge blade, roll this thoroughly.
    • Finish tight with the sponge, first sponge the tiles diagonal and next parallel to the joint. Make sure every joint is touched. Thereafter clean the tile work diagonal with a clean, light moist sponge.
    • When dry use a clean and dry cloth for the finishing polish. For an optimal strength prevent accelerated drying of the mortar (through warmth, draught, high absorption etc.) by wetting the joints once or several times within 24 hours.
    • After grouting wait at least 24 hours before walking on the floor.

    Instruction movie:

  • Quality and guarantee
  • Environment and health
    Safety and environment : Safety data sheets of Forbo Eurocol products according to EEG-guideline 91/155.
    MSDS : For extensive information about safety and environment we refer to our website

    Environment and health

    • Environmental Product Declaration/Environmental Product Declaration EPD-DBC-20220217-IBF1-EN
    • Low-dust with dust factor < 5% components with a particle size of < 2 μm (micrometer).

  • Articles
    692Jointing Cement25 kg bag

    8 710345 010405
  • Instruction video