
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2



2-component, sprayable epoxy-based adhesive and joint material for waterproof, acid- and heat-resistant grouting of ceramic floor and wall tiles and glass mosaic. Maximum joint width 12 mm. Applicable to almost all well-constructed wall and floor constructions, such as cement and plaster-like surfaces, sheet material, floor and wall heating constructions in indoor and outdoor applications.

  • dop-declaration-uk.pdf


  • pdf-product-specification.pdf


  • 703a-safety data sheet uk.pdf

    703a-safety data sheet uk.pdf

  • 703b-safety data sheet uk.pdf

    703b-safety data sheet uk.pdf

  • Product Typification
    2-component, sprayable epoxy-based adhesive and joint material for waterproof, acid- and heat-resistant grouting of ceramic floor and wall tiles and glass mosaic. Maximum joint width 12 mm. Applicable to almost all well-constructed wall and floor constructions, such as cement and plaster-like surfaces, sheet material, floor and wall heating constructions in indoor and outdoor applications.
    Basis : Epoxy-based 2-component grouting material, containing a resin component and a liquid hardener.
    Colour : Grey, silver-grey, anthracite and off-white. Other colours available on request.
    Consistency : After mixing of the resin and hardener components a thick liquid.

    Product advantages:
    • Applicable with spray 
    • Acid- and heat-resistant
    • Watertight 
    • For in- and outdoor use
    • Suitable for almost all subfloors
    • Joint width from 1.5-12 mm
    • High final bond strength

  • Performances
    Classification : Complies with RG according to NEN EN 13888 and R2T according to NEN EN 12004-2:2017.
    Cleaning resistance : 703 Adhesive and Spout Epoxy does not deteriorate with age. Ageing refers to the epoxy-system and not to the colour and/or glow.
    Consumption : 

    Depending on the size of the tile, joint width and depth. The following formula will enable you to calculate the required quantity of grouting cement per m²: 

    joint width (mm) x joint depth (mm) x joint length per m² (m¹) x specific weight (1.6) x extra expenditure factor (1.2) =……g/m².
    Curing : The drying time to a tension-free joint takes place in 16 hours through a chemical reaction. At 20 °C the material is completely chemical-proof after approx. 7 days.
    Flammability : Non-flammable.
    Resistance : 

    Chemical resistance list:




    Glacial acetic acid


    1,2-propylene glycol








    Acetic acid < 5%


    Hydraulic oil


    Acetic acid < 10%


    Hydrogen peroxide < 30%




    Iron sulphate < 30%


    All-purpose cleaner


    Isopropyl acetate


    Aluminium chloride < 10%


    Isopropyl alcohol


    Aluminium sulphate < 40%


    Lactic acid < 5%




    Lactic acid < 10%


    Ammonium carbonate < 10%


    Lactic acid < 20%


    Ammonium carbonate < 50%




    Ammonium chloride


    Magnesium chloride < 35%


    Ammonium nitrate < 50%




    Ammonium sulphate < 50%


    Methylene chloride


    Amyl acetate


    Methyl ethyl ketone


    Barium chloride < 10%


    Methyl glycol acetate


    Barium chloride < 40%


    Methyl isobutyl ketone


    Battery acid






    Nitric acid < 10%




    Nitric acid < 20%




    Nitric acid < 50%


    Bleach (15% chlorine)


    Oleic acid


    Boron acid < 3%


    Oxalic acid, 10% in water


    Butyl acetate


    Paraffin oil










    Calcium chloride < 20%


    Petroleum ether


    Calcium chloride < 40%


    Phenol, 1% in water


    Calcium hydroxide < 20%


    Phenol, 20% in water


    Calcium nitrate < 50%


    Phosphoric acid < 30%


    Carbonated water


    Pivot oil


    Caustic soda


    Potassium carbonate < 20%


    Chlorous water


    Potassium dichromate




    Potassium hydroxide conc.


    Chromic acid < 10%


    Potassium permanganate < 5%


    Citric acid < 20%


    Potassium persulfate < 50%




    Propyl alcohol


    Concrete aggressive water (pH 12)


    Sanitary cleaner


    Copper sulphate < 15%


    Silicon oil


    Cresol, 60% in water


    Silver nitrate < 1%




    Sodium acetate < 20%




    Sodium carbonate < 18%




    Sodium chloride sated


    Dibutyl phthalate


    Sodium sulphate < 20%


    Diesel oil


    Sodium sulphate sated








    Sugar solution < 10%


    Dimethyl phthalate


    Sulphuric acid < 30%


    Dimethyl glycol phthalate


    Sulphuric acid < 50%




    Sulphuric acid < 70%




    Sulphuric acid < 98%


    Disinfectant AP3


    Test petrol


    Engine oil












    Ethyl acetate




    Ethylene chloride




    Ethylene diglycol




    Fatty acid at < 50° C


    Turpentine oil


    Fuel oil, light


    Vegetable oil






    Formic acid < 3%


    Wine acid < 10%


    Formic acid < 5%




    Formic acid < 10%


    Zinc chloride < 50%




    Zinc tetrachloride < 20%


    Explanations of signs:

    + resistant
    0 limited resistant max. 24 hours
    - non-resistant

    Resistance refers to the epoxy system and not to colour and/or glow. 

    Specific weight : 1.6 kg/l.
  • Application
    • For the acid- and heat-resistant grouting of ceramic floor and wall tiles on sinks, laboratory tables, industrial floors that will be affected by chemicals etc.
    • Also very suitable for extreme moist areas, e.g. sanitary areas, professional kitchens and swimming pools.
    • Also suitable as thin bed adhesive for wall and floor applications.
    • 358 Toolcleaner can be used for removing epoxy veil and spots on ceramic wall and floortiles.

  • Working Process
    Mixing ratio : Mix the resin and hardener components completely together. Or 3 parts of resin to 1 part of hardener.
    Waiting time : None. Apply 703 Adhesive and Spout Epoxy immediately after mixing.
    Application temperature : From 15° to 30 °C (surrounding temperature). Temperature of the tile work < 10 °C. The most ideal working temperature of the material and surrounding is 20 °C. In case of lower surrounding temperatures acclimatise the material before application. In case of higher surrounding temperatures it is recommended to cool the material in a water bath.
    Processing time : At a temperature of approx. 20 °C apply the mixed mortar within approx. 50 minutes. Higher temperatures will abbreviated the working time
    Processing time : Lower temperatures will lengthen this.
    Curing : The drying time to a tension-free joint takes place in 16 hours through a chemical reaction. At 20 °C the material is completely chemical-proof after approx. 7 days.
    Storage : Store cool and dry in unopened packaging.
    Shelf Life : 12 Months, in unopened packaging. After use close the open packaging well.

    * The mentioned values have been established in our laboratory and must be considered as guidelines in view of possible variations in climatic circumstances, subfloor compositions and layer thickness.


    Depending on the size of the tile, joint width and depth. The following formula will enable you to calculate the required quantity of grouting cement per m²: 

    joint width (mm) x joint depth (mm) x joint length per m² (m¹) x specific weight (1.6) x extra expenditure factor (1.2) =……g/m².

    User manual:

    Directions for use grouts:

    • The joints should be clean, dry and free from grease and dust.
    • Follow the directions by “working temperature” of the “technical facts”. Do not grout on subfloors that are strongly warmed through e.g. sunlight. The firs two days after application the temperature may not drop under 12 °C.
    • Grout the fixed tiles after approx. 24 hours. Tiles fixed with a sand/cement mortar can be grouted after minimum 3 days (depending on the drying process of the mortar).
    • Add component A and B completely together and mix for minimum 3 minutes with an electric stirrer to a smooth and homogenous mixture. If only part of the packaging is to be used, add approx. 3 parts of resin to 1 part of hardener. Take care that insufficient mixing can cause permanent sticky parts in the joint, which will not bond completely. In case of wall applications add 1 bag of consistency adjuster before mixing.
    • Apply the mixture immediately with a rubber spatula or spout into the joints. Remove excess material immediately in diagonal direction.
    • After removing the excess material, emulsify grouting residues with as little water as possible, with an epoxy cleaning sponge and warm water. Thereafter clean tiles with a viscose sponge. Wait with cleaning until the joints have dried. Waiting time is 1-5 hours, depending on temperature and relative humidity. Especially clean anti-skid and non-glazed tiles completely before hardening.
    • Remove any present epoxy veil on glazed tiles within 6 hours after application by cleaning with spirits. After curing, remove possible epoxy veil with 358 Toolcleaner.
    • After grouting wait at least 16 hours before walking on the floor.

    Directions for use thin bed adhesive:

    • The surface must be clean, free of grease and dust, dry, pressure and tear resistant, in accordance with the requirements, as stated in DIN 18 532.
    • Properly observe the instructions regarding the procesing temperature of the technical properties. Do not apply adhesive to substrates that become very hot e.g. through solar radiation. The first two days after application the temperature may not drop below 12 °C.
    • Slightly sanding screeds must be primed using 021 Euroblock Reno.
    • Add all the resin and hardener components together and mix the paste with a spiral mixer for 3 to 4 minutes to a lump free, homogeneous compound. Important: if the compound has not been mixed sufficient, sticky lumps will arise in the adhesive which will not bind entirely.
    • Apply grooves with the trowel and place the tiles within 10-15 minutes in a sliding motion in the fresh bed of adhesive and press firmly. Always check that the back of the tiles is in contact with the adhesive entirely. Excess adhesive must be removed from the joints immediately.
    • At a temperature of approx. 20 °C the tiles can be grouted after 1 to 2 days, depending on the circumstances.
    • The mixed adhesive must be processed within 60 minutes.
    • After the adhesive has been applied, the floors cannot be walked on for at least 24 hours.


    • Clean tools immediately after use with warm water.
    • You are advised to wear rubber gloves when processing the adhesive. Thoroughly wash with water and soap in the event of skin contact.
    • In advance always seek our technical data sheets. In doubt about the application ask for technical advice. 

  • Quality and guarantee
  • Environment and health
    Safety and environment : Safety data sheets of Forbo Eurocol products according to EEG-guideline 91/155.
    MSDS : For extensive information about safety and environment we refer to our website

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