Farvernes betydning i indendørsmiljøer
I vores webinar diskuterer Karen Haller og Carola Seybold farvernes betydning for at skabe trivsel i offentlige og private rum. Willem Burmanje Forbos direktør i strategisk kommunikation er vært.

Der har været mange undersøgelser om anvendelse og påvirkning af farvers brug. Farver kan trods alt være lige så stærke som ord, og kan endda have en indvirkning på menneskers trivsel. Heldigvis er der nyttige værktøjer og retningslinjer, der kan støtte dig som designer eller arkitekt i din designproces.
Carola og Karen vil uddaybe trendprognoser, eksterne påvirkninger, personlige farvepræferencer, anvendt farvepsykologi og menneskecentreret design.
‘Up to 85% of our purchasing decisions are based on colour. Whether it’s a product or people going into cafes or restaurants, buying anything for the home: colour is the main driver. […] Colour makes us feel something and creates that all important emotional connection.’
Karen Haller, Colour & Behavioural Design Expert
Carola Seybold is Head of Global Key Account Management at PANTONE®. Its colour language supports all colour conscious industries; textiles, apparel, beauty, interiors, architectural and industrial design, encompassing over 10,000 colour standards across multiple materials including printing, textiles, plastics, pigments and coatings.
Carola is leading the global team of Key Account Managers that supports customers all over the world. Her main responsibilities are the development and implementation of key account sales & marketing strategies and the build-up of new sales channels and territories.
Karen Haller, leading global expert in the field of Behavioural Colour and Design Psychology, specialising in business brand colour, interiors, healthcare and wellbeing. Having studied colour for over 20 years she understands how colour affects us, influences us and how businesses and designers can use it to influence positive behaviour.
She is the bestselling author of 'The Little Book of Colour' (translated into 14 languages) and a contributing author for industry textbook 'Colour Design Theories and Applications'.