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Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2

Show your take on a sustainable piece of furniture with linoleum

You need to create a smaller interior product or piece of furniture in materials that can be recycled. The product must be something we can use in everyday life, and which can be moved around the home and serve more functions. The purpose might also be to show how it is possible to use the material interior Linoleum. Furniture linoleum must be included in the design.
Dimensions: max size of 1 x 1 x 1 m

Hand in you product
Pleace hand in your product, provided with your name, by 15th may 2023 at the latest - at the Forbo office, Produktionsvej 14, 2600 Glostrup - open 08:00-16:00 - Friday 08:00-15:00.
You can do this any time from now on.
Please do also send a short updated description of your product to birgitte.kofoed@forbo.com.

Student Challenge 2023

Linoleum granulate and chair

You have now decided to participate in the Student Challenge, and we ask you no later than March 9, 2023 to email a sketch and a description of how you see your product as sustainable. The sketch is preliminary, and it is ok if the final product differs from the sketch. Please send your take to info.denmark@forbo.com or birgitte.kofoed@forbo.com.

We will keep you updated on various deadlines via email.

You need to create a smaller piece of furniture or interior product in materials that can be recycled. The product must be something that we can use in everyday life and that can be moved around the home and serve more functions. The purpose might also be to show how it is possible to use the material interior Linoleum. Whether you draw a smaller table, a stool or something completely different is entirely up to you and your creativity. Furniture linoleum must be included in the design. (See, for example, UN Sustainable Development Goal no. 12 for inspiration).

Please note that your product must be able to stand on a plate measuring 1x1x1 meters.

Forbos persondatapolitik

Student Challenge Willem de Kooning | Federico

Plan for Student Challenge

You are welcome to contact us if you have any questions info.denmark@forbo.com.

Thursday, March 9 2023
Please send your product sketch to info.denmark@forbo.dk.

On Thursday, March 30 we will arrange a mid-term meeting. Meet us at KADK building 68, entrance B, 3rd floor, Aud B426 – 1:00- 3.00 pm

Tuesday, May 15 you must be done with your interior product. It must be handed in at Forbo Flooring A/S, Produktionsvej 14, 2600 Glostrup - open 08:00-16:00 - Friday 08:00-15:00 provided with your name.

We will keep you regularly informed about the various deadlines.

7 - 9 June
Possibility for your product to be exhibited at Paustian Showroom during 3daysofdesign

Student Challenge Willem de Kooning
Claudia Renate Mantik, Medhavi Tyagi, Zeynep Gökcek NABA Student challenge

Good to know

The prerequisite for participating in the Student Challenge is that you are a student at KADK.

When registering participants at Forbos Floorings Student Challenge give Forbo Flooring Denmark permission to publish pictures and video from the event where they are at. If a participant wants a published photo removed where he or she is at, please contact Forbo Flooring Denmark, and the image will be removed from the internet to the extent possible."

Judges of panel

We have a very competent panel of judges being:

Hee Welling, Designer and Owner of Hee Welling Studio

Frantz Longhi, Architect and Owner of Paustian

Marijke Griffioen, Senior Designer at Forbo

judging panel

Awarding the best design - prizes

The prizes are sponsored by Paustian.

The prize for the best design is a Silhouette Floor Lamp
2nd & 3rd place will also be honored.
The winners will be notified around noon.

Programme for 3DaysofDesign at Paustian, Niels Hemmingsensgade 24, 1153 Copenhagen K :
7th June
Kl. 11-12 – Panel Talk – Deliberation and 1st – 3rd place will be annonced

8 June
Exhibition all days during 3DD – Wednesday – Friday 10-18

9 June
14:30 Award of audience favourite among the products

Silhouette floor lamp

Receiving & restoring

This is the way to receive and store rolls of Furniture Linoleum.

Gluing Furniture Linoleum

Get advice and tips on how to glue Furnture LInoleum on surfaces.

Finishing the panel with Furniture Linoleum

See how you can finish the edges when applying Furniture Linoleum.

Packaging and Transport

Here you can see how we pack and transport our Furniture Linoleum rolls in a safe way.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Here you can see how to clean and maintain the linoleum so it retains its beautiful surface

Technical Information

How can you work with Furniture Linoleum using different techniques?
Please have a look her .

You are welcome to contact us if you have further questions: info.denmark@forbo.com

Be inspired

We have had similar Student Challenge competitions in many other countries. See

Do you have any questions?

You are always welcome to send us an email if you have any questions. We will answer you as soon as possible either by email or phone call. There are no stupid questions. Send your mail to; birgitte.kofoed@forbo.com.


Get inspired by our pinterest boards here

forboforfurniture at instagram


Student Challenge Stutgart

Inspiration other Student Challenges

Student Challenge Stutgart

What is Furniture Linoleum?

Get knowlegde about the raw materials and see how the surface material Furniture Linoleum is manufactured.