Storebælt Sinatur Hotel & Conference Nyborg
Storebælt Sinatur Hotel & Conference located in Nyborg – Beautiful and only a few meters from the sea. The Hotel has been through a comprehensive expansion and alteration.
“When we had to replace the carpet, we looked for something that were both easy to maintain but also had a homely pleasant atmosphere. We chose a solution with Hungarian Planks, which gives the floor a special glowed and warmness and makes it look exclusive plus it is so much easier to clean.
We later decide to use the same floors in both the meeting and conference rooms”.
Lena Clausen, Oldfrue, Signatur Hotel, Nyborg
Building contractor | Danmarks Lærerforening |
Flooring contractor | Aunslev Tæppe & Gulvbelægning, Nyborg |
ReferenceInteriorArchitect | Nb Tegnestuen ApS |