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Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2

How it performs, your footsteps

We include the whole life of a floor when we think about its sustainability performance. Which means we make sure our floors start performing from the moment they’re fitted.

We understand that floors have different roles to play within a building. Because we make a wide range of flooring, we’ll start by recommending the best floor for the job, and then always make sure it’s as sustainable as possible.

We’re always finding ways to provide you with the lowest cost of ownership for our floors. They’re always easy to install and require less maintenance, using less cleaning chemicals, throughout their life.

Which, by the way, will be a long and happy one, saving money and reducing waste.

How it is made

Marmoleum is made from 97% natural materials, 72% of which are renewable and will grow back within 10 years

Marmoleum a natural talent

There’s a craft to making really good linoleum. Fortunately, we’ve had more than 100 years of experience in getting it just right. Forbo's Marmoleum is made from 97% natural raw materials. So it's no suprise that it is the world's leading sustainable resilient flooring. Marmoleum is what it is, a genuine, authentic floor.

97% natural materials
43% recycled content
100% biodegradable
Low cost of ownership
Hygienic and less cleaning
Approved by Allergy UK

Marmoleum concrete

Vinyl, making it better

We are constantly striving to improve the environmental profile of our PVC products through local and international initiatives across the company. For example, whenever possible, we repurpose our waste vinyl (and that of other flooring manufacturers') to make new products - such as the backing for Flotex.

45% recycled content
Reach compliance
Renewable energy
Increase floor lifespan
Recycle installation off-cuts
Recyclable Flex design vinyl tiles
Vinyl plus


Flotex, greater than its parts

Our unique hybrid flooring combines the benefits of textile and resilient flooring to give you the comfort of a high tech carpet tile and the durability of a resilient floor. We reduce the resource of Flotex wherever possible.

Up to 67% Recycled content
100% Waterproof
Anti-microbial protection

Entrance flooring: keeping the world outside, outside

Did you know that installing an effective entrance system can stop up to 94% of the dirt and moisture entering a building? As a result this may save up to 65% of the lifetime cleaning costs of the floor and reduce the use of cleaning materials. Read below what we do more to make our Coral and Nuway entrance floors even more sustainable.

100% Regenerated polyamide
Recycled plastic PET bottles
Virtually zero waste to landfill
Stop up to 94% of dirt entering your building
Reduce the need for cleaning
