A choice, not a compromise
Flotex is a high tech textile which brings together the world of resilient and textiles connecting key performance indicators into one single product, that
delivers all you can expect from an innovative flooring solution.
Durable and comfortable
Discover the toughness and durability of Flotex which comes as a result of the 80 million nylon 6.6. fibers per square meter, while experiencing the quietness and comfort normally only associated with a carpet as a result of the impervious cushioned backing.
Quiet yet Hygienic
The nylon fibers not only perform in sound absorption and comfort, they also capture allergens and fine dust from the air, all of which they effortlessly release in any cleaning action in both dry and wet conditions. Through its construction Flotex is protected against mold and odor’s whilst keeping up its appearance, as the floor restores to mint condition after every cleaning action.
Warm while washable
Simple every day vacuuming removes any dirt or dust trapped in the dense nylon surface. However steam cleaning or deeper mechanical cleaning can also be used after heavy soiling, requiring a minimum of traditional detergents. Simple cleaning action already restores Flotex to its original appearance. The wide array of colors and designs in which Flotex is offered, remain as vibrant and lively as the day the floor was installed.
Safe but sound absorbing
Flotex provides a good impact sound reduction (>20dB), meaning a quiet room and a quiet building. Flotex also meets the HSE wet and dry slip resistance classifications for use of flat surfaces and ramps.