Keep dirt and moisture outside

When it comes to aged care facilities, it's not just the residents' feet you have to think about. Round the clock staff shifts and the constant flow of visitors mean entrance areas can take quite a pounding, and wet and dirty soiling can be trailed into the reception area and beyond. Not only can this damage interior floor coverings, it also creates unnecessary health and safety hazards.
Up to 65% of the cleaning costs can be saved with six meters of the Coral clean-off zone. Coral also ensures surefootedness - an important aspect in aged care facilities. In this way, accidents caused by slipping can be prevented and residents, guests and employees can move safely.
Choose a entrance floor that:
• Reduces slip at entrances
• Protects interior floor finishes
• Reduces cleaning costs
Fact: 6 meters of Coral can stop up to 95% of dirt and moisture entering a building