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Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2

Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

  • Ministerie van OCW - De hoftoren - Flotexvloer
  • Ministerie van OCW - De hoftoren - Flotexvloer
  • Ministerie van OCW - De hoftoren - Flotexvloer
  • Ministerie van OCW - De hoftoren - Flotexvloer
  • Ministerie van OCW - De hoftoren - Flotexvloer
  • Ministerie van OCW - De hoftoren - Flotexvloer
  • Ministerie van OCW - De hoftoren - Flotexvloer

The Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science, housed in the Hoftoren near Central Station, has transformed its work environment into an inspiring space thanks to interior architect Dr. Iris Bakker. With innovative flooring solutions like **Flotex and vinyl digitally printed floors* and natural partition walls made of potato peels and beech fabric, the experiential quality is enhanced. Mycelium panels as well as our playful Flotex floor patterns contribute to acoustics and stimulate play and creativity. This approach is based on the twelve senses, creating an environment that feels immediately right.

Project name Ministerie van OCW
Location Den Haag
Interior Architect Levenswerken - dr ir Iris Bakker
Installation by Evident Projectstoffering B.V,
Photographer Bart van Hoek


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