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Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2

Primary school Vremde

  • Dorpsschool Vremde
  • Dorpsschool Vremde
  • Dorpsschool Vremde
  • Dorpsschool Vremde

In the classrooms of the new primary school building in Vremde, 1,000 m² of Marmoleum Solid Cocoa 3588 eucalyptus has been installed. This sustainable, circular and climate-positive linoleum floor covering creates a natural and pleasant indoor climate.

Photographer Evenbeeld
Location Boechout, Belgium
Interior Architect cuypers & Q architecten

Used Flooring products


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