Healthy indoor environments

Within most industrial sites or factories, there will be areas requiring general flooring such as offices or corridors and areas requiring flooring with specialist features such as entrances, areas with slip risk or areas where acoustics may be an issue. Forbo Flooring Systems has a solution for all of these areas.
Create an environment where your employees can feel comfortable, safe and inspired. Colour, light, acoustics; it all affects the level of attention and concentration of your employees in the workspace. We can offer a range of solutions which fulfill all of these requirements. When looking for the right floor in the workspace environment, these are the most important elements to consider.
Choose a floor that:
● Provides an inspiring atmosphere that promotes concentration
● Is easy to clean and maintain
● Is durable
● Contributes to a healthy indoor environment
● Reduces the noise level
Colour, light, acoustics; it all affects the level of attention and concentration of your employees