Getting to know Forbo Flooring
Forbo Flooring got in contact with the Willem de Kooning Academy to discuss whether a student challenge with our Pinboard linoleum and Furniture linoleum was feasible. The Willem de Kooning Academy is based in the Netherlands and has international students from all over the world. The Willem de Kooning Academy offers contemporary and cutting edge art courses that complement changing, international practice. The outside world is no longer looking for the autonomous artist or the graphic designer, but rather for people who possess a multitude of talents and skills and who look beyond the borders of their original discipline. These are ‘creating pioneers’. .
Willem de Kooning Academy website
To be able to understand the products of Forbo Flooring we first gave the students a tour and an explanation of the project in our factory in Assendelft.
Get to work
All students worked in groups to discover the opportunities of the Pinboard and Furniture Linoleum product and see what options they could find to apply it. Half way we already saw some nice studies which are very promising for the final result.
The results will be exposed during the Dutch Design week from October 17th up to including 25th. More information on the Dutch Design Week event website
Social media updates
Part of the challenge was also to keep the outside world up to date about the progress and the project. Social media updates, mainly on Instagram showed the ideas students were working on, teasing enough to stay tuned and visit them during the Dutch Design week.