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Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2


The Flotex Advance collection features two new designs, Latitude and Code, both designed specifically to create a contemporary feel within any space. These designs offer a versatile blend of aesthetics and functionality. Whether it’s the calming watermark inspired design of Latitude or the ‘type’ inspired pattern of Code, the Flotex Advance collection aims to enhance the ambience of any environment while promoting creativity and style.

Flotex Advanced
Flotex advanced latitude nickel-gull 150124_col corrected
Flotex Advance t303005 code spearmint t303001 ice t303031ash


Offering a calm yet sophisticated aestethic, the inspiration for Lattitude comes from the transient elements of free-flowing water. Detailing subtle gradients of light and dark, the design maintains a fluidity, creating modern and effortless comfort to any space.

View the Flotex Latitude collection


Code pays homage to the creativity of the office Worker, offering a connection to the art of the typewriter, used by many as a means to produce inspirational and innovative design. The interplay of letters and characters layer and overlay to form a unique and abstract pattern.

View the Flotex Code collection