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Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2

Bentall Shopping Centre Foot Bridge

  • Bentalls- Nuway Tuftiguard HD
  • Bentalls- Nuway Tuftiguard HD
  • Bentalls- Nuway Tuftiguard HD

Due to a very challenging environment, the Bentall Centre, in Kingston upon Thames, required a rigid and heavy duty floor covering for its glass tunnelled footbridge – linking the car parks to the shopping centre. The floor covering had to remove moisture and soil from the soles of shoes and wheeled traffic, as well as cope with the major movement caused by the interior high temperature fluctuations. After extensive research undertaken by Forbo Flooring Systems, Master Matting Installations Co and the Bentall Centre, Forbo’s Nuway Tuftiguard HD entrance flooring system proved to be the most viable and cost effective solution.

Forbo’s Nuway Tuftiguard HD delivers excellent performance and appearance retention thanks to its heavy duty, durable and strong structure, which can remove high levels of soil from the soles of shoes or wheel treads.

Forbo’s Key Account Manager, said: “With a heavy duty structure, the Tuftiguard HD entrance flooring system provides lateral rigidity which means that it is able to handle the expansion and contraction movements, which was supported by the contractor’s devised joints to allow for movement from left to right. The design of the system also allows for the modules to be turned over or changed completely – if one was to be accidently damaged - increasing the longevity and functionality of the floor covering.”

Robert Ritchie, the Bentall Centre’s Director, concluded: “This project has been a real success, Forbo’s Nuway Tuftiguard HD entrance flooring system has greatly enhanced the aesthetics of the bridge and after all the hot weather we have experienced during the summer months, I can confirm that the flooring has managed extremely well with movements and there have been no problems.

“I’m also very positive that the system will provide us with exceptional safety when it comes to shoppers trawling in mud, snow and wet shoes in the winter months – which I’m sure the cleaners will be happy to hear as an easier cleaning and maintenance regime will be required.”

Photography Luke Casserly
Location London
Flooring Contractor Master Matting Installations

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