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Sports flooring

Flooring for Sport Facilities

With millions of square metres of our floor coverings installed in sport facilities all around the world, Forbo Flooring is at the forefront when it comes to understanding the needs and concerns of any sport environment.

Surestep Laguna 181912 flamingo, 181982 aquamarine & 181802 lemon

Flooring solutions for the sport environment

When it comes to Sport and Leisure venues, we know that the safety and comfort of your clients is your top priority. We have a complete portfolio of floor coverings to cover your requirements without compromising on the style and visual impact of your venue.

Forbo Flooring Systems can enhance any interior environment by offering innovative and beautifully designed flooring products delivering long life and consistent high quality. At the same time we help to take care of the natural environment through our commitment to sustainable development and responsible raw material procurement and manufacturing processes. We have a comprehensive product offer including linoleum, project vinyl, carpet tiles, flocked flooring and fully integrated entrance systems.

Flotex for Gyms whitepaper

Flooring for Sports Facilities

Products to use in Sport environments

coral grip

Coral Grip HD - entrance systems

Coral Grip HD is a versatile, nonwoven clean off barrier mat for outdoor and indoor use that is ideal for areas leading to and from sports or leisure environments. Coral Grip HD’s patented, embossed design and durable, pliable filaments ensure a highly effective dirtscraping action which is perfect for areas susceptible to footfall containing enhanced levels of dirt and moisture.
Go to the Coral Grip HD collection

Flotex – flocked flooring

100% washable and hygienic, Flotex offers the ideal textile solution to heavy use gyms and workout areas. Flotex Flocked Flooring is a completely unique textile flooring that combines the hard-wearing and durable characteristics of a resilient floor with the quality, warmth and comfort of a carpet. Flotex is made up from a solid vinyl, reinforced base with a densely flocked surface of nylon 6.6. fibres, that are anchored firmly into the base layer.

Flotex is extremely dimensionally stable and has the optics of a textile floor covering, whilst being as functional and durable as well as easy to clean as any resilient floorcovering.
Go to the Flotex collection

Devere Flotex Vision
Step Laguna 181802 lemon  + 81912 flamingo + 181982 aquamarine

Step – safety vinyl sheet

Step is perfect for use in changing areas where safety is the main concern. Step provides excellent slip resistance properties which is crucial to minimise the risk of accidents, as well as durability and ease of cleaning benefits.
Go to the Step collection

Hygienic flooring

Machine oil, sports drinks and splashes of sweat ingrained in the floor are part and parcel of daily life in busy sport environments. Therefore a floor that is easy to clean and maintain is a must to ensure a hygienic and welcoming place to work out.

For the sports area, we recommend our Flotex collection. This collection is easy to clean and maintain and will contribute to a sport environment where people can work out in a safe and hygienic place.

Devere Flotex Vision


Flotex is a unique textile floor covering that combines the hard-wearing and durable characteristics of a resilient floor with the quality, warmth and comfort of a carpet. Flotex is a strong and hygienic floor, and being completely waterproof, it is also the only truly washable textile floor.

The unique construction of Flotex flocked flooring is what allows to release soiling like no other textile flooring. Unlike the looped and twisted fibers of a conventional carpet tile, the smooth straight fibres of Flotex do not trap particles of soil, allowing them to be removed without difficulty during cleaning. Most spills can be cleaned with plain water.

Find out more about Flotex

Make it your own

For real stand out, why not create a custom made floor? From logos to 3D effects on your floor, we can produce a tailored offer for your sport environment. Thanks to the exceptional flexibility of our state-of-the-art digital printing technology, Forbo Flooring Systems can offer the option to create custom floor designs for vinyl and textile floor coverings, suitable for every sport facility.

Custom Flooring logo

Bespoke digital printed vinyl

Our advanced digital printing technology enables striking floor visuals that cannot be achieved with conventional print techniques. It enables you to design your own unique floor in the high quality of our heterogeneous vinyl sheet flooring.

Choose from thousands of images that are licensed and ready to be reproduced or design your own floor. Whatever the type, size, scale or complexity of design, our Digital Print delivers pin sharp and vivid images as a result of 6 colour, 600dpi (high resolution) digital printing.
More information about Digital Printing

Digital printed vinyl

Flotex Vision

As Flotex flocked flooring has over 70 million fibres per square metre, it provides a unique high density substrate for printing. As a result, vibrant designs and true to life visuals can be printed in high level photographic resolutions. All desired colour shades, tones and hues can be achieved.

Digital print offers an infinite number of design options ranging from abstracts with an intricate colour spectre to realistic images of grass, sand or water, or any picture projected on your floor. Create 3D depth or a “trompe l‘oeil” effect on your floor.

Visit our FloorVisualizer and explore the designs

Chaminade University

Get inspired by our references

Many sport facilities worldwide are using Forbo floor coverings. Visit our reference section and get inspired by worldwide reference projects.
Explore our Sport references

KRC Genk - Marmoleum sport

Whitepaper: Flotex for Gyms

Flotex flocked flooring offers an unparalleled
combination of performance benefits highly
suited to gym facilities.

• Extensive design flexibility
• Ultimate durability
• Waterproof and quick-drying
• Easy to clean & hygienic
• Quiet and safe

Download our whitepaper

Flotex for Gyms whitepaper


To create your floor and make up your mind what would fit best we have several tools and services. Our FloorVisualizer helps you to place our floors in any environment, and even combine them, so you can see how it looks.
Start playing with our FloorVisualizer

Forbo FloorVisualizer Office smartphone