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Jõhvi High School

  • Archidea 56 -  Johvi Highschool
  • Archidea 56 - Johvi Highschool
  • Archidea 56 - Johvi Highschool
  • Johvi Highschool

Jõhvi Gymnasium opened its doors in the autumn of 2015. The concept of the school is academic and at the same time practical and entertaining - unique subjects like design, entrepreneurship and Asian-Slavic culture and language are illustrating the unique character of Jõhvi Gymnasium. The unique character is also the reason that modern materials were chosen for the school interior. The unique Sarlon Topography floor plays with the striking design of the walls and the bright red colour that you see throughout the building.

ReferenceLocation Jõhvi, Estonia
Üld töövõtja Maru Ehitus AS
Sise kujundaja Maarja Nummert, Pikoprojekt OÜ
Fotograaf Tanel Aruoja
Arhitekt Esplan OÜ

Kasutatud põrandakattetooted


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