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Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2

Raadi Kindergarten Ripsik

  • Raadi Kindergarten Ripsik - Estonia
  • Raadi Kindergarten Ripsik - Estonia
  • Raadi Kindergarten Ripsik - Estonia
  • Raadi Kindergarten Ripsik - Estonia
  • Raadi Kindergarten Ripsik - Estonia
  • Raadi Kindergarten Ripsik - Estonia
  • Raadi Kindergarten Ripsik - Estonia

The name of the kindergarten Raadi Kindergarten Ripsik was created by the colourful bubbles on the outside of the building. It is said that these bubbles represent children’s good thoughts and when many good ideas come together, the amount of bubbles creates a character called Ripsik. The bubbles were also brought inside, as the architect decided to use Marmoleum flooring and created bubbles of different colours all around the kindergarten floor. So in this case the colourful Marmoleum floor represents the good thoughts that children have.

ReferenceLocation Tartu, Estonia
Projekti nimi Raadi Kindergarten Ripsik
Arhitekt Katrin Tomberg-Tohter (RTG Arhitektid)
Fotograaf Saara Mägin
Üld töövõtja Tartu Ehitus


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