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ArchIdea - Magazine international de référence de Forbo

ArchIdea - le magazine international de référence de Forbo vous présente une sélection de projets réalisés par des architectes et des architectes d’intérieur du monde entier avec des produits Forbo.

Depuis plus de deux décennies, Forbo publie ce magazine qui vous présente deux fois par an les possibilités d’aménagement que vous offrent les revêtements de sol et de surface de Forbo.

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    ArchIdea # 69

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    ArchIdea # 68

  • ArchIdea No. 67

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    ArchIdea | No. 67

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  • ArchIdea Nr. 62

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    ArchIdea No. 59

    Aus dem Inhalt:
    In der ArchIdea No. 59 erläutert der deutsche Architekt Tobias Wallisser, wie die Digitalisierung die Architektur revolutioniert. Außerdem erklären Florian Idenburg, Cristina Diáz Moreno und Efrén García Grinda ihre alternativen Architekturansätze und Designstrategien.

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    ArchIdea No. 58

    Aus dem Inhalt:
    Die ArchIdea No. 58 thematisiert den Umgang mit der Landschaft. Für den Architekten Shih-Fu Peng - Mitbegründer von Heneghan Peng Architects, Dublin, New York, Berlin - ist es stets ein Dialog. Entsprechend sind die nähere Betrachtung der Landschaft und das Entdecken von Bedeutendem der Ausgangspunkt seiner Entwürfe, zu denen u. a. das „Große Ägyptische Museum“ zählt. Mehr dazu im Interview und beispielhafte Umsetzungen.

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    Archidea | No. 57

    Aus dem Inhalt:
    Die ArchIdea No. 57 widmet sich dem „Bauen mit der Natur“. Genau wie die drei ausgewählten Architekten, die ihre Architektur und Philosophie in dieser Ausgabe vorstellen: Paul de Ruiter (Niederlande), Stefano Boeri (Italien) und Marco Casagrande (Finnland). Lassen Sie sich inspirieren von ausgewählten, naturnahen Bau- und beispielhaften Referenz-Objekten!

  • ArchIdea Ausgabe Nr. 56

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    Aus dem Inhalt:
    Die ArchIdea No. 56 blickt auf einen oftmals vergessenen Kontinent: Afrika. Wie entwickelt sich Architektur auf diesem großen und wenig homogenen Erdteil mit seiner bewegenden Geschichte, dem Erbe des Kolonialismus und seinen existenziellen Problemen?

  • ArchIdea Ausgabe Nr. 55

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    ArchIdea | No. 55

    Aus dem Inhalt:
    Special Edition: Office Spaces
    What is about a company that makes it special? Was is its story? These questions underlie the workplace interiors for technology companies designed by Studio O+A. "We strive to create environments that correct people back to being human."

  • ArchIdea Ausgabe Nr. 54

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    ArchIdea | No. 54

    Aus dem Inhalt:
    According to Andrés Jaque, architects must develop new tools. Otherwise architecture will lose its relevance. He advocates an architecture that operates simultaneously online and offline, and which uses heterogeneous technologies. “It is not that beauty is irrelevant to me, but I propose a different kind of beauty, a beauty that is performative.”

  • ArchIdea Ausgabe Nr. 53

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    ArchIdea | No. 53

    Aus dem Inhalt:
    Josémaria de Churtichaga (Interview)
    Architect Josémaria de Churtichaga of the Spanish office CH+QS states that that he is driven wholly by the human aspect when designing. "I try to make people aware of their senses, of their limits, and to challenge them in some way.”

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    Aus dem Inhalt:
    Lukasz Zagala: “We use rough materials, but we bring their beauty to the surface in the way we use them and put them next to one another. The combination of materials creates a new space, a new feeling - something that is not mainstream."

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    Aus dem Inhalt:
    Special Edition Asia - Interview with Byoung Cho: “I am not interested in treating the building as sculpture. Compared to the work of other architects my forms are rather subdued. The presence of the building comes from its spatial relationships, not from the shapes of the volume. I try to go along with what the site offers. I want people to understand how beautiful the surroundings are.“

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    Aus dem Inhalt:
    Interview with Bjarke Ingels: “Why should a building be judged purely on the grounds of utility? Shouldn’t it also behave like a good citizen? If every building were designed to cater only for a specific purpose, the result would be a terrible city. I think that when you design a building you have to ask yourself how many dreams you can fulfill.”

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    ArchIdea | No. 49

    Aus dem Inhalt:
    Interview with Mecanoo: “Different people bring different kinds of expertise into the designing process. We, the architects, are the ones who know about space – or are supposed to – and about designing it. But we are not experts in how teachers want to teach, nor are we are experts in the kind of space in which the users feel at ease. So it can help a lot when you talk to teachers and students or children.”

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    ArchIdea | No. 48

    Aus dem Inhalt:
    Interview with Emre Arolat: “In architecture we should learn from the land, from the place.” Unlike the hardcore modernists, architect Emre Arolat believes in context, in differentiation and in not having the same order everywhere. “I feel very uncomfortable when people say they recognize my designs. I force myself to make something different every time, something that depends on the context.”

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    ArchIdea | No. 47

    Aus dem Inhalt:
    Interview with Marcio Kogan: The architectural approach of one of the leading architects of Brazil, Marcio Kogan, shows some intriguing contradictions. He pushes the design of a house to the limit, but at the same time he advocates simple solutions that are sustainable.

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    ArchIdea | No. 46

    Aus dem Inhalt:
    Interview with Julien De Smedt: “Iconography as such is not all that interesting," says the architect Julien De Smedt. He also has reservations about aesthetics: "It is a mistake to rely on a paper-thin personal judgement about beauty." In his architecture, his primary aim is to activate people.

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    ArchIdea | No. 45

    Aus dem Inhalt:
    Interview with Charles Renfro: The architect Charles Renfro, of Diller Scofidio + Renfro, likes to turn everything on its head a bit. According to him, a trick, a pleasure of a discomfort wakes people up. "Why invent something when you can somply see it happen around you? Life is always more interesting than art."

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    ArchIdea | No. 44

    Aus dem Inhalt:
    Interview with Ofis Architects: The young architectural office has been attracting attention from the international architectural press with some original, playful, beautiful and conceptually interesting designs.

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    ArchIdea | No. 43

    Aus dem Inhalt:
    Interview with Retail Edition Studio Concrete in Amsterdam spurns the conventional boundaries between architecture, interior design and graphic design.
    Interview with Rob Wagemans, Concrete: The designs by the studio Concrete, based in Amsterdam, are minimalist but at the same time narrative. "We try to resolve everything for our clients so that the shop needs no additional explanation."

  • Archidea No. 42 Titel

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    ArchIdea | No. 42

    Aus dem Inhalt:
    Interview with Steven Holl: Ideas drive the designs of architect Steven Holl. In many cases his ideas spring from musical concepts. But the idea is not the architecture, he stresses. Architecture consists above all of real space, material and light. "You know the design is good when the idea, the structure and the material all line up."

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    ArchIdea | No. 41

    Aus dem Inhalt:
    Interview with Holzer Kobler: Architecture must communicate, and it is the community that is the recipient of this communication. That is how Barbara Holzer and Tristan Kobler see their role as architects. "The way you move through space is what really counts. That implies having a fragmented view of space. For a visitor, there is no birds' eye view."

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    ArchIdea | No. 40

    Aus dem Inhalt:
    Interviews with Jean Mah, Richard Ahle & Stefan Egelhof and David Page: The interior of several health care projects involving the use of floors and furniture surfacing from Forbo Flooring as form of insiration. The projects are located in various parts of the world and show the many possibilities provided by Forbo’s products.

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    ArchIdea | No. 39

    Aus dem Inhalt:
    Interview with Sir Nicholas Grimshaw: Sir Nicholas Grimshaw believes strongly in the satisfaction of looking at joints and details. "I love trying to understand the way things come together."

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    ArchIdea | No. 38

    Aus dem Inhalt:
    Interviews with FXFowle Architects, Ken yeang and Mario Cucinella. “Creating better environments” begins with caring for the environment. In this section Forbo Flooring Systems presents unique projects and initiatives that help improve our day to day working and living environments.

  • Archidea No. 37 Titel

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    ArchIdea | No. 37

    Aus dem Inhalt:
    Interview with Fernando Romero: The Mexican architect Fernando Romero aspires to connect what is global with local circumstances, but in a critical manner. "There's no real reason to keep doing things in the most simple, rational way. Materials and construction techniques have developed a lot since modernity began."

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    ArchIdea | No. 36

    Aus dem Inhalt:
    Interview with Qingyun Ma: The Chinese architect Quingyun Ma is not an advocate of "Chinese" architecture. In his opinion, buildings are adorned with Chinese symbols for purely ideological reasons. "Chineseness is not in the building: it's how we interact, do business and absorb things."