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Flotex tiles

Flotex flocked flooring tiles are high-quality textile flooring tiles in sizes of 50x50 cm and/or 50x25 cm. Flotex tiles are easy to combine with other flooring solutions and formats, so you have endless possibilities to create your own modular design. We offer 5 different designs in tile format, varying from sophisticated linear designs to colorful uni tones.

  • Flotex tiles
  • Flotex tiles
  • Flotex tiles
  • Flotex tiles
  • Flotex Colour - s445021 Canyon Limestone
    Flotex Colour lapok

    Flotex Colour lapok

    A Flotex Colour flokkolt textilszőnyegekből álló termékcsalád, amely 4 kifinomult, mindenre kiterjedő változatban érhető el: Metro, Calgary, Canyon és Penang. Minden termék elérhető tekercses és négyzet alakú lap formában, valamint egyes színek téglalap alakú modulként is kaphatók. Ezen az oldalon minden információt megtalál az 50x50 cm-es Flotex Colour lapokról.

  • 242005
    Flotex Cirrus és Stratus lapok

    Flotex Cirrus és Stratus lapok

    A Flotex Cirrus és Stratus kollekció két, egymással összehangolt dizájnból áll, különböző színekben, amelyek lehetővé teszik az önkifejezés teljes szabadságát, általuk bármilyen stílusban létrehozhatóak kapcsolatok, kiemelések és átmenetek. Ez a moduláris lapkollekció külön-külön használva vagy kombinálva jól illeszkedik irodai környezetekhez, oktatási helyiségekhez és középületekhez.

  • t551003 tabletop Flotex Complexity embossed
    Flotex Cityscape lapok

    Flotex Cityscape lapok

    A Flotex Cityscape lapok dombornyomott vonalaival lenyűgöző dizájn készíthető, amely változik a fényben, bármilyen irányból vizsgálja a padlót. A városi táj vonalai és metszéspontjai által ihletett mintázatok a városi felhőkarcolók ablakainak tükröződését és ritmusát, illetve az alattuk lévő utca mintázatát jelenítik meg.

  • Flotex Metro Lagoon to546920
    Flotex Colour dombornyomott lapok

    Flotex Colour dombornyomott lapok

    Szeretné, hogy a padlója kitűnjön a többi közül? A Flotex Colour Metro termékcsaládba több olyan szín tartozik, amelyek dombornyomott szerkezetekkel is elérhetők. Dombornyomott lapokat nem dombornyomott lapokkal keverve lenyűgöző padlómintákat készíthet.

  • Flotex Metro Grey - 546006_746006_246006
    Flotex Flotex AcousticPlus lapok

    Flotex AcousticPlus lapok

    A zaj a második leggyakoribb panasz a munkakörnyezetre vonatkozóan. A jobb akusztikai tulajdonságok elősegítik a koncentráció növelését.

Flotex tiles

Our unique Flotex flocked flooring tiles are easy to combine with other flooring types, other structures or even other formats. Tiles are the perfect solution when you want to create a unique floor covering with different designs and colours. Modular floors are really popular nowadays, so with our Flotex tile range we want to give you the possibility to create a modular floor from high-quality textile!

Why choose Flotex tiles?

Strong & comfortable
● Indestructible nylon 6.6 fibres create a strong and durable high tech textile for areas of high foot and wheeled traffic.
● Densely placed fibers (up to 80 million per m2) provide a warm and comfortable surface.
● Flotex tiles are extremely dimensional stable and easy to install.

Hygienic & washable
● Because of its construction, Flotex acts as an anti-allergen high tech textile.
● The Flotex fibers capture and release dust to standard cleaning appliances.
● Flotex can be cleaned through simple vacuuming, steam cleaning or deep scrub action with water. The Flotex surface dries quickly and always restores to its function and original appearance.

Safe & quiet
● Flotex is a textile flooring that prevents mold and odors thanks to its technical and bacteriostatic qualities.
● Flotex provides a safe environment for all age groups as it prevents tripping or slipping hazards both in dry and wet conditions.
● Excellent sound absorption properties make Flotex an acoustic flooring solution (class A), with 19 dB impact sound reduction.

Flotex Colour tiles & embossed tiles

Allergy approved flooring

Allergy UK has conducted a survey to ask people how they think about their workplace in relation to the presence of allergens. They concluded that close to 27% of working people could be allergic to their workplace.

Flotex has a unique construction that captures allergens and fine dust from the air and is easy to clean. It is even a better textile solution for allergens than hypoallergenic carpet floors. Vacuuming a Flotex flooring removes double the allergens compared to conventional carpet floors. This is one of the reasons why Forbo's Flotex flocked flooring is the only textile floor covering to be awarded the prestigious Allergy UK Seal of Approval™.

Floors for allergy

A sustainable floor

Green electricity
Forbo’s manufacturing operations for Flotex in Great Britain and France secure a high quality floor covering, produced with green electricity and minimum waste streams that are all recycled in the floor.

Water based
Flotex is created with nylon 6.6 fibres. All dies and inks that are used to create the Flotex designs are water based. No additional chemical processes take place other than high temperature steam treatment to secure the colours.

Recycled content
Flotex makes use of waste streams of other Forbo production locations to be transformed into the backing of the floor coverings. Flotex tiles contain up to 59% recycled content.

Extremely durable
A big advantage for using Flotex is the extreme performance of the floor covering, with a product life time that surpasses that of ordinary textiles by a factor 6.

Simple cleaning & maintenance
Flotex can be cleaned by using water and a simple detergent. For most staining, simple household soap is enough to clean the product, while other detergent clean away ink, oil and more severe stains. After use Flotex can be recycled back into the production process.

Flotex the sustainable floor

Flotex images and videos

Click on the images below to get an impression of our Flotex flocked flooring tile ranges. Or watch the videos for more information about Flotex and the way to install it.

Flotex cleaning & maintenance instructions
Flotex Colour tiles