Izvēlēties valsti

Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2

Djurönäset conference center

  • Djurönäset hotell & konferens interiör Forbo Tessera Cloudscape
  • Djurönäset hotell & konferens interiör Forbo Tessera Cloudscape
  • Djurönäset hotell & konferens interiör Forbo Tessera Cloudscape
  • Djurönäset hotell & konferens exteriör
  • Djurönäset hotell & konferens exteriör
  • Djurönäset hotell & konferens interiör Forbo Tessera Cloudscape
  • Djurönäset hotell & konferens interiör Forbo Tessera Cloudscape
  • Djurönäset hotell & konferens interiör Forbo Tessera Cloudscape
  • Djurönäset hotell & konferens interiör Forbo Tessera Cloudscape

Djurönäset is one of Swedens largest SPA and conference hotels, located on Djurö in the Stockholm archipelago. They have several detached conference houses, of which House 7 is the current renovation project. For this project they wished for a welcoming, homely and contemporary environment.

They chose to install Forbo Tessera Cloudscape in a few, subtle colors.

More information about Djurönäset here.

Projekta nosaukums Djurönäset
Arhitekts Lisa Hällfors Form AB
Dizainers Lisa Hällfors
Fotogrāfs Lasse Olsson
Datums March 2020
Adrese Stockholm


  • Document