Izvēlēties valsti

Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2


  • Greystar referentie
  • Greystar referentie
  • Greystar referentie
  • Greystar Reference
  • Greystar referentie
  • Greystar referentie

GREYSTAR, world leader in the rental market, is a big name in the real estate market with approximately 500,000 homes worth 28 billion euros. Recently, this American residential investor opened an office in The Hague in the former Babylon shopping centre (now New Babylon). A beautiful spacious, modern office environment with lots of glass and wood. Because of the modular possibilities, the high acoustic value and the ease of installation, Tessera Cloudscape carpet tiles were chosen for the offices.. A fine collaboration with WURKS who took care of the installation.

Projekta nosaukums GREYSTAR
Adrese Utrecht
Arhitekts MOST Architecture
Ieklāšana WURKS
Fotogrāfs Ossip van Duivenbode

Izmantotie grīdas segumi


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