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Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2

Mathias Mejlby Family Home

  • Mathias Mejlby private home marmoleum concrete
  • Mathias Mejlby private home marmoleum concrete
  • Mathias Mejlby private home marmoleum concrete
  • Mathias Mejlby private home marmoleum concrete
  • Mathias Mejlby private home marmoleum concrete

Marmoleum in the living room of the private home is a norm in other parts of the EU. In Denmark, it is part of the news category that the floors of a villa in Jutland Galten have been completed with Marmoleum.

Entrepreneur: Comfort and indoor climate

If it was only about the looks, the developer, architect cand.arch. Mathias Mejlby and family would probably be living on a concrete floor.
- But in the everyday life of a family with children, there are several considerations. The floor must be easy to keep clean, it must be able to withstand activity and tumble, and it must be soft and nice when the kids are playing, Mathias Mejlby explains.
The family was in dialogue with the house supplier, the Huscompagniet and the subcontractor, Garant in Randers, about their wishes; and some other floor coverings were on the table when Mathias Mejlby suggested: - What about linoleum?
The architect, who among other things had worked at the large design studio Friis & Moltke, had known linoleum from many tasks in his daily work: - It is a sustainable natural material and sustainability is important to us. In design, I have used linoleum in schools and in public environments. It is soft but robust, it is sound absorbing and overall contributes to a good indoor climate. It was a very good description of what we were looking for. So why not, Mathias Mejlby asked?
In consultation with Garant Randers, the Mejlby family chose Marmoleum concrete in a marbled structure that imitates the depth and sounded of concrete to perfection. For added comfort and a 14 dB attenuation of the floor noise, the Mejlby family added a 2 mm thick corkment *) coating under the Marmoleum concrete.

- Together with our Troldtekt® wooden concrete ceilings and fibreglass wallpaper, the floors provide a really good acoustic environment, Mathias Mejlby says.
And the look?
- Together with the ceilings and, not least, the black-anodized windows, the whole ensemble is razor-sharp, sounds the happy message from the Mejlby family. Admittedly, it is not concrete. But close!

Būvnieks Private building owner
Dizainers Huscompagniet A/S
Arhitekts Mathias Mejlby, cand.arch.

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