Izvēlēties valsti

Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2

Restaurant Pekuri

  • Restaurant Pekuri_Allura Wood 60351DR7_3
  • Restaurant Pekuri_Allura Wood 60351DR7_4
  • Restaurant Pekuri_Allura Wood 60351DR7_2
  • Restaurant Pekuri_Allura Wood 60351DR7

According to the designer, the starting point for the restaurant's interior was to make the most of superfluous furniture from various restaurants. The varying furniture materials guided the choice of flooring. The interior designer aimed for a floor that would be fresh and calm in its pattern, but would still harmonize with all the types of wood used in restaurant Pekuri.

Allura Wood luxury vinyl tiles in a Hungarian point were chosen. The planks of this autumn oak design have a natural colour variation, which creates a natural and authentic look.

Adrese Oulu, Finland
Interjers Martela, Riikka Kyllönen
Dizainers Riikka Kyllönen
Celtnieks RK-Lattiat Oy
Fotogrāfs Jari Kestilä

Izmantotie grīdas segumi


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