Izvēlēties valsti

Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2

School center ISW Gasthuislaan

  • Marmoleum Striato on floor in classroom
  • Scholengemeenschap ISW
  • Scholengemeenschap ISW
  • Scholengemeenschap ISW

School center ISW Gasthuislaan has built a completely new wing and the old part of the school has been completely renovated. For a floor of a secondary school it is especially important that it is durable and strong. Every day hundreds of students walk over it. In addition, it is a requirement that the floor is easy to maintain and clean. Marmoleum flooring is then the ideal solution. The floor covering is extremely durable and also lasts for a long time.

Projekta nosaukums Scholengemeenschap ISW Gasthuislaan
Adrese 's-Gravenzande
Interjers Maasdam Projectinrichting
Arhitekts Bureau Bos Architecten
Būvnieks Van Zanten Bouw
Fotogrāfs Ossip van Duivenbode
Datums 2018


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