Izvēlēties valsti

Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2

Secondary School Enrico Fermi

  • Secondary School Enrico Fermi - Italy
  • Secondary School Enrico Fermi - Italy
  • Secondary School Enrico Fermi - Italyly
  • Secondary School Enrico Fermi - Italy
  • Secundary school Enrico Fermi - Italy
  • Secondary School Enrico Fermi - Italy
  • Secondary School Enrico Fermi - Italy

Secondary School Enrico Fermi is located in Turin, Italy. The renovation project has radically revised the existing school. The intervention is part of the “Torino Fa Scuola” project promoted and supported by Fondazione Agnelli and Compagnia di San Paolo, in collaboration with the City of Turin.

The architects chose Marmoleum Cocoa as floor covering because it is an innovative, natural floor. By combining the shell of the cocoa bean with the traditional Marmoleum ingredients, we have obtained a natural, fresh and modern floor.

Ieklāšana Fama’ Linoleum Torino
Celtnieks D’Engineering srl
Arhitekts BDR Bureau, Simona Della Rocca
Fotogrāfs By courtesy of BDR Bureau
Pasūtītājs Fondazione Agnelli E Compagnia
Projekta nosaukums Secondary School Enrico Fermi
Adrese Turin, Italy
Celtnieks Fama’ Linoleum s.n.c.


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