Izvēlēties valsti

Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2


Tessera Contour ģeometrisko fonu spēcīgi ietekmējuši arhitektūras un pilsētvides formu atkārtojumi.
Struktūru padara vieglāku maigi rievoto griezumu flīzes, kas atspoguļo dažādos cilvēciskos un dabas elementus, kas redzami šajās ainavās.

Krāsu paletē ir plūstoša toņu progresija no blāviem līdz ļoti tumšiem toņiem.

Tessera Contour

    About Tessera Contour

    Tessera Contour is a 50x50 cm cut & loop pile carpet tile that offers 13 naturally inspired colourways, ranging from very dark to very pale, achieving high LRV ratings.

    ● 13 naturally inspired colourways merging a geometric, architectural framework with softer striated forms

    ● easy to combine with Allura Flex vinyl tiles using the same adhesive, without the need for transition strips, additional profiles, or inconvenient build-up of the sub floor

    ● Meets Ska criteria for M12 soft floor coverings

    ● Contains 66% recycled content by weight

    ● 100% RefreshTM by Universal FibresTM solution dyed polyamide yarn for durability and colour fastness.

    Tessera Contour Image gallery

    Tessera Contour 1906 Rising Ash