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Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2

Klövsjöfjäll Hotell & Konferens

Before the ski season 2021, hotel Klövsjöfjäll opened its gates in the middle of idyllic Klövsjö in Vemdalen. In large parts of the newly built hotel, Flotex is on the floor. The advantages and reasons for choosing Flotex are that it creates a very calm and comfortable environment and is easy to keep clean. Even stains in the restaurant are easy to get rid of. Floor choice: Flotex Vision Naturals

"Everyone is very fascinated by how quiet it is. Especially in the hotel corridors, which can often be very noisy with people and suitcases. ” - Anders Backskog, Hotel Klövsjöfjäll

Plats Klövsjö Sverige
Byggnadsentreprenör Trångsvikens Bygg
Golvdesigner Forbo flooring 2020
Golventreprenör Nyströms Golv & Kakel Östersund
Datum för färdigställande Oktober 2020
Fotograf Sebastian Hansen


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