
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2



Universal, fast-setting, flexible and waterproof joint material for grouting ceramic wall and floor tiles, natural stone and glass mosaic. Joint width of 2 - 10 mm. Applicable to almost all well-built constructions such as cement and plaster-like surfaces, sheet material, floor and wall heating in indoor and outdoor applications. Thanks to EMICODE EC 1PLUS (very low emissions) also suitable for BREEAM projects.

  • epdfeica- 706 speciaalvoeg wd grijs-uk.pdf

    epdfeica- 706 speciaalvoeg wd grijs-uk.pdf

  • 706-safety data sheet grey uk.pdf

    706-safety data sheet grey uk.pdf

  • 706-ec 1 plus licence uk.pdf

    706-ec 1 plus licence uk.pdf

  • pdf-product-specification.pdf


  • 706-safety data sheet uk.pdf

    706-safety data sheet uk.pdf

  • 706-safety data sheet dark colours uk.pdf

    706-safety data sheet dark colours uk.pdf

  • Product Typification
    Universal, fast-setting, flexible and waterproof joint material for grouting ceramic wall and floor tiles, natural stone and glass mosaic. Joint width of 2 - 10 mm. Applicable to almost all well-built constructions such as cement and plaster-like surfaces, sheet material, floor and wall heating in indoor and outdoor applications. Thanks to EMICODE EC 1PLUS (very low emissions) also suitable for BREEAM projects.
    Basis : Cement-based powder with additives and a high synthetic binder to be mixed with water.
    Colour : White, grey, manhattan-grey, silver-grey, anthracite, jasmin, buxy, grey-brown, basalt-grey and beige. Due to contamination, we do not recommend light-colored joints for floors and outdoor situations.
    Consistency : After mixing, the mortar makes a smooth, lump-free joint grout.

    Product advantages:
    • Emicode EC 1PLUS
    • Very low emission
    • Watertight   
    • Flexible
    • Fast drying
    • Dust reduced
    • For in- and outdoor use
    • For wall and floor tiles
    • Suitable for almost all subfloors
    • Joint width from 2 to 10 mm

  • Colour

    The 706 Euro grout special WT is available in the next colours:











  • Performances
    Classification : Complies with CG2W A, according to NEN-EN 13888. Improved cement-based grouting cement with a reduced water absorption and increased wear resistance. EMICODE EC 1PLUS tested conform to EN 13999-2/4. Suitable for BREEAM-projects.
    Cleaning resistance : 706 Euro Grout Special WT is resistant against domestic cleaners with a pH-value of 7 or higher.
    Colours : The colour on the packaging, color sticks and colour key is an indication! The prepared mortar can have an other colour. In doubt always make a test. Since at the same time a number of factors may affect adversely the colour, Forbo Eurocol takes no responsibility for colour deviations. When using several packaging always use the same charge number.
    Consumption : 600-2.500 g/m², depending on the size of the tile, joint width and depth. The following formula will enable you to calculate the required quantity of grouting cement per m²: joint width (mm) x joint depth (mm) x joint length per m² (m¹) x specific weight (1.7) x extra expenditure factor (1.5) =……g/m².
    Curing : Depending on the temperature and subfloor, the hardening to a low tension and somewhat flexible joint takes place within 1-2 hours (colours grey buxy, basalt-grey, grey-brown and anthracite). Other colours will bond in 6-8 hours. The floors are then passable. During the curing of the joint, the temperature must remain above 5 °C during the day and at night.
  • Application
    • Multi-purpose, fast drying grouting cement for the flexible and watertight grouting of ceramic wall and floor tiles, as well as natural stone and glass-mosaic in a joint width of maximum 2-10 mm, on almost all well-built constructions such as cement and plaster-like surfaces, sheet materials, underfloor and wall heating, etc. 
    • Not suitable as an acid- and heat-resistant grouting material.
    • For these applications we recommend 716 Eurodur HP or 703 Adhesive and Spout Epoxy.

  • Working Process
    Mixing ratio : Add 23 kg 706 Euro Grout Special WT to approx. 4.5 litres of water. 4 kg 706 Euro Grout Special WT to approx. 0.8 litre of water.
    Waiting time : After mixing with water wait for a few minutes, stir once again and apply the mixture into the joints.
    Application temperature : From 5° to 25° C (temperature of the surrounding as well as the subfloor). Low temperatures slow down the setting.
    Processing time : At a temperature of approx. 20° C apply the mixed grouting cement within 60 minutes. Higher temperatures will abbreviate the working time. Apply the dark colours within 35 minutes.
    Curing : Depending on the temperature and subfloor, the hardening to a low tension and somewhat flexible joint takes place within 1-2 hours (colours grey buxy, basalt-grey, grey-brown and anthracite). Other colours will bond in 6-8 hours. The floors are then passable. During the curing of the joint, the temperature must remain above 5 °C during the day and at night.
    Storage : Store cool and dry in unopened packaging.
    Shelf Life : 12 Months, in unopened packaging. After use close the open packaging well.

    * The mentioned values have been established in our laboratory and must be considered as guidelines in view of possible variations in climatic circumstances, subfloor compositions and layer thickness.

    600-2.500 g/m², depending on the size of the tile, joint width and depth. The following formula will enable you to calculate the required quantity of grouting cement per m²: joint width (mm) x joint depth (mm) x joint length per m² (m¹) x specific weight (1.7) x extra expenditure factor (1.5) =……g/m².

    User manual:
    • For an optimal final result the joints must be free from adhesive and/or mortar residues. When grouting the subfloor, adhesive or mortar should be sufficiently dry.
    • Remains of the grout product can adhere to porous or matt tiles and plates. Test joints are therefore necessary on these tiles.
    • Tiles fixed with adhesive can be grouted after approx. 24-48 hours. Wall tiles fixed in the mortar can be grouted after minimum 4 days. Floor tiles fixed in the mortar can be grouted immediately. Following these regulations, drying of the joints will take place equally.
    • For a good quality of the joint the water/powder ratio is very important. Add 23 kg 706 Euro Grout Special WT to approx. 4.5 litres of cool and clean tap water and stir the mortar for approx. 1 minute, by using an electric stirrer (approx. 600 rpm), to a smooth and homogenous mixture. After stirring wait for a few minutes and stir once again. This gains an optimal application and an extended potlife.
    • Apply the mortar within 60 minutes fully into the joints with a grouting trowel. Remove excess material immediately. Do not add extra water! Mixing without water is permitted.
    • After grouting wait until the joint will turn somewhat dull. Depending on the circumstances (temperature, relative humidity, type of tile and subfloor) this takes place in 15 to 45 minutes. The joint should be sufficiently dry otherwise the joint will be washed out (Tip: when no mortar is left on your finger after touching the material with a fingertip, the joint is ready for sponging).
    • Moisten the entire tile work with a rotating movement with a light moist sponge blade and wait for approx. 1 minute. Through this the residual cement haze can easily be removed from the tile work. When using a sponge bin and sponge blade, roll this thoroughly.
    • Finish tight with the sponge, first sponge the tiles diagonal and next parallel to the joint. Make sure every joint is touched. Thereafter clean the tile work diagonal with a clean, light moist sponge.
    • When dry use a clean and dry cloth for the finishing polish. For an optimal strength prevent accelerated drying of the mortar (through warmth, draught, high absorption etc.) by wetting the joints once or several times within 24 hours.
    • After grouting wait at least 24 hours before walking on the floor. Tile floor with a rigid subfloor which have been grouted with 706 Euro Grout Special WT dark colours are passable after 4 hours.

    Instruction movie:

  • Maintenance

    Taking care of the grouting:

    For cleaning grouts and to remove any mould use a mould removal product. These products have a chlorine/bleach base and are especially suitable for the use concerned. Cleaning products with a chlorine/bleach base have a pH value of 7 (neutral) or more. These products will not harm the grouting. Some cleaning products, such as green soap, always leave a greasy film to which dirt can easily adhere. These products are also not suitable.

    Removing limescale:

    Limescale can form on tiles and on the surface of sanitary fittings in regions where the tap water is hard. Almost all limescale removal products are acidic products and have a pH value which is too low. These products will harm cement-bound grouting every time it is cleaned. Even when diluted, the pH value of these products is still too low. The level of a liquid’s acidity is indicated by a pH value of between 0 - 14. Liquids with a neutral level of acidity (such as tap water) have a pH value of 7. Contact the manufacturer if the pH value of the cleaning product is not stated on the packaging.

    Forbo Eurocol Nederland B.V. recommends the following when cleaning tiles:

    • Only use a cleaning product in the places where limescale and other dirt is visible on the tiles and the grouting. Wet the tiles and the grouting thoroughly before applying the cleaning product. The cleaning product will then not penetrate so deeply into the grouting.
    • Rub the tiles clean, preferably using a non-acidic cleaning product. Work according the guidelines of the manufacturer!
    • After cleaning the tiles, rinse them thoroughly with tap water and dry them with a cloth.

  • Quality and guarantee
  • Environment and health
    Safety and environment : Safety data sheets of Forbo Eurocol products according to EEG-guideline 91/155.
    MSDS : For extensive information about safety and environment we refer to our website

    Environment and health

    • Environmental Product Declaration/Environmental Product Declaration EPD-NIBE-20210224-17687verified by SGS Search / Intron.
    • Low dust with dust factor < 5% components with a particle size of < 2 μm (micrometer).
    • Tested for emissions of volatile organic compounds and has tested EMICODE EC 1PLUS in accordance with EN 13999-2/4.
    • Meets the criteria of BREEAM-NL HEA 9 Volatile Organic Compounds; promoting healthy and good indoor air quality because the construction and finishing materials used cause low emissions of harmful volatile organic compounds and other harmful substances. Suitable for BREEAM new construction and renovation.

  • Articles
    ArticleDefinitionPackagingEAN-codeMin. order
    706Euro Grout Special WT23 kg bag

    8 710345 706025

    8 710345 706018

    Manhattan grey
    8 710345 706070

    silver grey
    8 710345 706605
    706Euro Grout Special WT5x4 kg box

    8 710345 706131

    8 710345 706117

    8 710345 706674

    8 710345 706698

    Manhattan grey
    8 710345 706575

    8 710345 706699

    8 710345 706155

    8 710345 706551

    8 710345 706179

    8 710345 000193
    706Euro Grout Special WT4 kg box
    5 pieces

    8 710345 009124

    8 710345 009100

    8 710345 706667

    8 710345 706661

    Manhattan grey
    8 710345 706568

    8 710345 706582

    8 710345 706148

    8 710345 706544

    8 710345 706162

    8 710345 706186
  • Instruction video