
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2



A silicone sealant for the durable elastic sealing of construction and sanitary joints, which must be able to absorb a movement of max. 25% of the joint width. Generally has excellent adhesion to enamel, glass, aluminium, brass and stainless steel, painted wood, concrete, masonry and plasticizer-free plastics. Suitable for indoor, outdoor and industrial areas. Low odour, acid-free and neutral curing. Durably elastic after curing. Non-corrosive to metals. Thanks to EMICODE EC 1PLUS (very low emissions) also suitable for BREEAM projects.

  • 880-ec 1 plus licence uk.pdf

    880-ec 1 plus licence uk.pdf

  • dop-declaration-uk.pdf


  • pdf-product-specification.pdf


  • 880-safety data sheet uk.pdf

    880-safety data sheet uk.pdf

  • Product Typification
    A silicone sealant for the durable elastic sealing of construction and sanitary joints, which must be able to absorb a movement of max. 25% of the joint width. Generally has excellent adhesion to enamel, glass, aluminium, brass and stainless steel, painted wood, concrete, masonry and plasticizer-free plastics. Suitable for indoor, outdoor and industrial areas. Low odour, acid-free and neutral curing. Durably elastic after curing. Non-corrosive to metals. Thanks to EMICODE EC 1PLUS (very low emissions) also suitable for BREEAM projects.
    Basis : Siliconen oxim.
    Colour : Transparent, white, silver-grey, Manhattan-grey, grey, anthracite, Jasmin, basalt-grey, Buxy, Lightgrey, vintage and transparent-grey.

    Product advantages:
    • Emicode EC 1PLUS (very low emission)
    • Odourless, acid-free and neutral curing
    • Contains no plasticisers, MEKO or solvents
    • Indoor and outdoor use
    • Permanently elastic after curing
    • UV, moisture, weather, water and fungus resistant, according to ISO 846 A+B
    • Non-corrosive w.r.t. metals. 1-component
    • Also suitable for natural stone

  • Colour

    The 880 Eurosol Silicone is available in the colours:











  • Performances
    Application rate : Machine 2-3 bar, depending on nozzle opening, speed, etc.
    Classification : International: ISO 11600 F+G-25 LM and in Germany: DIN 18545-E Joints .GEV-EMICODE EC 1PLUS (very low emission) tested according to EN 13999-2/4. Suitable for BREEAM projects. .
    Curing : Minimum of 24 hrs. dependent on the relative air humidity and temperature. High temperatures reduce drying time, lower temperatures slow it down.
    Elongation at break : According to DIN 53 504: approx. 500%.
    Elongation value 100% : According to DIN 53 504: approx. 1.0 MPa (N/mm²).
    Practical movement capability : ± 25%.
    Shore A-hardness : According to DIN 53 505: 28.
    Shrinkage : >5% g/g.
    Skin forming time : Approx. 10 mins at 23 °C and a relative humidity of 55%.
    Specific weight : 1.035 kg/l.
    Standby capacity : ISO 7390 mm <2.
    Temperature resistance : After curing between -60 ºC and +180 ºC.
    Tensile : According to DIN 53 504: approx. 1.4 MPa (N/mm²).
  • Application
    • Permanently elastic silicone kit for sealing construction and sanitary joints, which should be able to absorb a movement of up to 25% of the joint width.
    • Suitable for sealing ceramic tiles, sinks, countertops, baths and showers linoleum and PVC floors. Bonding is generally excellent on enamel, glass, aluminium, brass and stainless steel, painted wood, concrete and masonry
    • Also suitable for unplasticised polymers like polycarbonate (Lexan® and Makrolon®), polyester, rigid polystyrene, ABS and most types of rigid PVC.
    • Suitable for inside, outside and industrial areas where fungus growth is undesirable.
    • Also suitable for natural stone.

  • Working Process
    Tools : Hand or air pressure kit pistol.
    Application temperature : From +5º to +40 ºC.
    Curing : Minimum of 24 hrs. dependent on the relative air humidity and temperature. High temperatures reduce drying time, lower temperatures slow it down.
    Storage : Store cool and dry in unopened packaging between +5 ºC and + 25 ºC.
    Shelf Life : Approx. 12 months.
    Skinning Time : Approx. 10 mins at 23 °C and a relative humidity of 55%.
    Sensitive to frost : No.

    * The mentioned values have been established in our laboratory and must be considered as guidelines in view of possible variations in climatic circumstances, subfloor compositions and layer thickness.

    • The substrate should have sufficient compression resistance and tensile strength. The substrate should also be dry and free from grease, dirt and dust, in accordance with DIN 18 352. Substrate should be clean, dry and sound. An adhesion test is recommended before use.
    • Adhesion is generally excellent on enamel, glass, aluminium, brass and stainless steel and plastics. Where necessary, apply a primer to porous substrates.
    • Not suitable for aquaria, PMMA, PE, PP, Teflon, bituminous substrates and wax or paraffin containing substrates. When used in poorly ventilated areas where UV light cannot enter, a light yellowing is possible. This may also take place through contact with chemical fumes or cleaning agents, especially during curing. Not paintable after curing.
    • If in doubt about the applications, set up a preliminary test area or contact our Technical Advice department. 

    User manual:
    • Cut the tube above the thread with the special kit tube opener or a suitable snap-off blade. Screw the nozzle on to the holder and cut it at a slant to the correct size. Remove the cap and place the holder into the syringe.
    • Apply 880 Euroseal Silicone evenly with a hand or air pressure kit pistol.
    • After having applied the kit, finish it smoothly within 10 mins. (due to skin formation) For this, use a spatula or knife with 886 Euroseal Finisher or neutral soap water without citrus.
    • To obtain an even contact of the sealant and the joint edges, use the mastic gun in such a way that under pressure, the material s pressed into the joint edges. Avoid air entrapment.
    • Clean tools with turpentine. Mechanically remove cured residues.
    • The setting speed of the adhesive and sealant will depend on the temperature and relative humidity. Process at a temperature of 23 °C and a relative humidity of 55%. 
    Joint dimensions:

    Minimum width 4 mm 
    Maximum width 25 mm 

    Joints relationship:

    Width              depth 
    4-8 mm           6 mm 
    10-12 mm        8 mm 
    14-16 mm       10 mm 
    18-20 mm       12 mm 
    22-24 mm       14 mm 

    Net estimated usage: 

    Joint metres per 310 ml tube for different joint sizes. 

     Width x depth          Use 
    4 x 6 mm:                12.9 m 
    6 x 6 mm:                8.6 m 
    8 x 6 mm:                6.4 m 
    12 x 8 mm:              3.2 m 
    16 x 10 mm:            1.9 m 
    20 x 12 mm:            1.3 m 

    For the correct joint depth and prevention of three sided adhesion, use a suitable backing material.

  • Quality and guarantee
  • Environment and health
    Safety and environment : Safety data sheets of Forbo Eurocol products according to EEG-guideline 91/155. Keep out of reach of children. Do not eat, drink or smoke while processing the product. Only give completely empty containers for recycling. Bound material residues can be disposed of as household waste.
    MSDS : For extensive information about safety and environment we refer to our website

    Environment and health

    • Tested for emission of volatile organic compounds and has tested EMICODE EC 1PLUS according to EN 13999-2/4.
    • Meets the criteria of BREEAM-NL HEA 9 Volatile organic compounds; promoting healthy and good indoor air quality because the building and finishing materials used cause low emissions of harmful volatile organic compounds and other harmful substances. Suitable for BREEAM new construction and renovation.
    • Packaging is made of post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastic and is fully recyclable. Only hand in packaging without residues for recycling. Dried residues of material can be disposed of with household waste.

  • Articles

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