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Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2

The Order of Architects

  • Order of architects 8
  • Order of architects 5
  • Order of architects 7
  • Order of architects 10
  • Order of architects 3
  • Order of architects 1
  • Order of architects 9
  • Order of architects 2
  • Order of architects 4
  • Order of architects 6

The Order of Architects was established by an act of parliament in 1963 and has a current membership of more than 15,000 architects (natural persons).

Any person who wishes to practice as an architect in Belgium must first register with the Order of Architects.

Its main task is to establish rules of professional conduct for architects (often rules of ethics) and to make sure that architects observe them. In other words, the Order of Architects assures the quality of architectural practice. It also monitors access to the profession and, more specifically, oversees compulsory practical training.

LiquidDesign (Pearl and Cork) was used in their office buildings in Glaverbel.

Location Watermael- Boitsfort
Photographer Serge Brison en Coralie Van Pottelsberghe
Installation by Veldeman
Architect Coralie Van Pottelsberghe


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