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Australia's first national product stewardship scheme for resilient flooring.

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Proud founding member of ResiLoop

ResiLoop, the industry driven initiative by the Australian Resilient Flooring Association (ARFA), is dedicated to researching and designing an Australian resilient flooring product stewardship scheme.

This program aims to address the challenges presented by past, current and future consumption of resilient floorcoverings in Australia.

Forbo Flooring Systems is proud to be one of the leading suppliers of resilient floor coverings and a founding member of ResiLoop, Australia’s first national stewardship scheme for resilient flooring.

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ResiLoop founding member logo x Forbo

Circular future for resilient flooring

  • 60 k

    Resilient flooring in Australia contributes an estimated 60,000 tonnes of waste to landfill each year, with 9,000 tonnes of unused material.

    ResiLoop aims to address this waste issue and pave the way for a circular economy in the local industry.

    The initiative focuses on tackling waste generated during the installation process, starting with unused resilient flooring materials. Post-consumer flooring waste is the end goal and true key to circularity in the resilient flooring industry.

By supporting ResiLoop, Forbo is committed to creating better environments by taking responsibility for industry-generated waste and advancing efforts in recovering, recycling, and reusing resources.

With a planned start date in late 2024, a crucial aspect of implementing the scheme is securing local end markets for the recyclates. Alongside government funding, Forbo has invested in ResiLoop to support ongoing research, manufacturing trials, and preparations for the scheme's launch.

Learn how the scheme will work

Join the movement

Towards a circular future in floorcoverings

We really appreciate the commitment from these companies, the willingness to step up and make this investment to help drive a circular future for floorcoverings in Australia. These companies become the Founding Members of ResiLoop Limited, the product stewardship organisation which will manage the scheme.” - ARFA President, Dan Lovell

Forbo Flooring Systems is proud to be a member of the Australian Resilient Flooring Association (ARFA), with our team member Chris Barker serving as a Founding Director of ResiLoop.

Now is the time for companies engaged in the supply and installation of resilient floorcoverings to get involved in a clear path to an overall solution for local recycling of these materials.

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