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Pulldown 2


Marmoweld is a welding rod specifically developed to weld Marmoleum. For all Marmoleum colours we have developed a matching Marmoweld colour.

  • Uni vs Multicolour

    Uni vs Multicolour

    Marmoweld is a welding rod specifically developed to weld Marmoleum. For all Marmoleum colours we have developed a matching Marmoweld colour. It is available in uni-colour (round rod) or in multi colour (square rod).

    For the seams of Marmoleum you can either choose to weld it or the perform a net fit installation, more information on these two options can be found on our Netfit Guidance Pages

    Welding rod uni vs multi
  • New vs traditional Marmoweld

    New vs traditional Marmoweld

    We are in the process of rolling out a new Marmoweld recipe with an improved soil resistance. For the moment this is only for the Uni-coloured Marmoweld. You can recognize if you received the traditional or new recipe by the sticker on the coil that says “NEW recipe”.

    Welding rod new
  • Installation process

    Installation process

    The installation process for both recipes is the same. There is a difference in melting behavior between the rods, which might be noticed. In below image you can see what it looks like if the welding machine is set too cold, too hot or at the right temperature.

    Machine welding

    For automatic welding with the new and traditional Marmoweld it can happen that the welding rod sticks to the wheel of the machine. This can be solved by closing two of the exhausts either by closing the flap of the machine or by putting screws in the first two exhausts as illustrated in the images.

    Temperature welding
    Machine welding