Vali oma riik

Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2

Ādažu primary school

  • Ādažu primary school -Latvia
  • Ādažu primary school -Latvia
  • Ādažu primary school -Latvia
  • Ādažu primary school -Latvia
  • Ādažu primary school -Latvia
  • Ādažu primary school -Latvia

The new school building of Ādažu primary school was designed with high energy efficiency in mind. This is a good basis for reducing the operating costs of the building. All classrooms are equipped with autonomous ventilation systems, controlled by temperature and CO2 sensors and providing the students with a high-quality study environment. The selected Forbo floor coverings are neutral
in colour with highlights to match the wall and door colours.

Fotograaf Indriķis Stūrmanis
Arhitekt Nams, Māris Malahovskis, Māris Krūmiņš; Līga Stade
Projekti nimi Ādažu primary school
ReferenceLocation Ādaži, Latvia


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