Izvēlēties valsti

Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2

Lindbjerg School

  • Lindbjergskolen
  • Lindbjergskolen
  • Lindbjergskolen
  • Lindbjergskolen
  • Lindbjergskolen
  • Lindbjergskolen
  • Lindbjergskolen

Building owner: Herning local government
User: Lindbjerg Skole for Hammerum and Gjellerup
Architect: Aarstiderne Architect – a part of Sweco Denmark A/S
Floor entrepreneur: Dansk Gulvmontage ApS
Total entrepreneur: KPC Herning A/S
Product: Marmoleum walton 3355 rosemary green, 3359 bottle green, 3358 petrol, 3363 lilac
Photo: Peter Jørgensen

Chairperson 24/7

It is a rarity that the floor covering is allowed to speak when deciding the decoration and colour scheme.
But that's how it went at the brand new Lindbjerg School in Hammerum by Herning, which has just been put into use. Lindbjergskolen is one of the country's new 24/7 schools, built together with the existing sports facilities of the local community, which means that the buildings are open and accessible for activities around the clock. Here is a school, but also an educational learning centre, meeting house and public library, as well as a well-functioning leisure life in halls and on ball courts. There is - you could say - constantly activity!
In the basic story of the project, Aarstiderne Architect, part of Sweco Denmark, worked on the theme of the forest: The forest, carried as it is, for environmental reasons and sustainability, and a place where man uses all their senses.
- That is why we wanted a décor based on nature's colour range (the green and blue colour range), which Forbo's walton linoleum just offers with the collection's colours such as 'rosemary green', 'bottle green' and 'petrol'. The linseed oil thus became the governing of the other choices, says architect and creative director at Aarstiderne Architect, Peter Kristiansen.
Linoleum was the obvious choice for a designed that will support both learning and movement: The floor is more than a floor; the floor forms an interior landscape and an integrated furniture, which stages the forest floor slopes and depressions in the open spaces. On selected surfaces, surrounded by seating terraces, messages can be projected for use in communication and teaching.
- It's the cool thing about linoleum; it can solve several tasks, it is robust and easy to keep, it is noise reducing, and then it is suitable to stay on - in teaching as well as in play, Peter Kristiansen explains.
- And using less traditional fixtures involves operating benefits; At the same time, built-in fixtures like this provide significant value for each building crown, emphasizes Peter Kristiansen.
Danish Floor Assembly mounted approx. 10,000 sqm. Marmoleum walton on a concrete floor, which the floor installers had float for optimal smoothness. The task ended with the installation of 150 sqm. Nuway Connect.

2870 – hill and valley 3355
2928 – learning staircase 3359
3019 – hill valley and PUR 3355
3023 – nuway
2969 – Class room 3358 petrol
2977 – Teknik room – 3363 lilac
3063 – school outside - Aarstiderne

Būvnieks Herning kommune
Celtnieks Marmoleum walton 3355 rosemary green, 3359 bottle green, 3358 petrol, 3363 lilac
Arhitekts Årstiderne Arkitekter – en del af Sweco Danmark A/S
Fotogrāfs Peter Jørgensen
Ieklāšana KPC Herning A/S
Celtnieks Dansk Gulvmontage ApS


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