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Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2


Showtime Graphic offers a robust needlefelt construction of fine polyamide fibres that ensures high quality and long-lasting appearance. The collection consists of 5 tonal graphics designed to complement hospitality styles: Loft, Heritage 05, Ecosystem 07, Wonderlab 06 and Wonderlab 07. Each of these graphics is available in a selection of Showtime base colours, providing 20 options for immediate installation.

• polyamide fine fibres for increased underfoot comfort
• enhanced acoustic value of 20 dB for minimal noise transmission
• backing consists of 100% recycled polyester
• full collection contains over 50% recycled content


    imagens Needlefelt Showtime

    Clique nas imagens abaixo para conhecer melhor a coleção Showtime Colour e Graphic.

    LRV & NCS values

    Download here the overview of the LRV & NCS values

    In architecture, Light Reflectance Value (LRV) is a measure of the percentage of visible and usable light that is reflected from a surface when illuminated by a light source. The LRV can be linked to a number of decisions on which a colour can be chosen. The approximate LRV of a colour indicates the amount of visible light that a colour will reflect. Black has a light reflectance value of 0% and absorbs all light. White has a light reflectance value of 100% and keeps a building light and cool. It also links to the use of electricity where lighter colours need less lighting, which is a direct saving for the environment. All Forbo products carry a light reflection value, which can be found in the text next to the enlargement of the tabletop.

    NCS colour coding describes the colour of any material. With numeric colour codes, so called NCS Notations, such as NCS S 1080-Y70R, any colour can be described precisely. NCS has defined 1950 standardised colours at every 10th step of the colour space to represent the entire colour space. Each notation's colour sample is visually identical to any other colour sample of the same notation, whether it is a standardised colour or a colour in between the 1950 standard colours. This way you can find matching flooring colours with other coloured items in a room.

    The 'Natural Colour System' NCS has been developped in order to indentify the colour value, its intensity and hue for a product. By using the NCS maesurement system, colours and colour groups can be identified and matched regardless of the material that has been used. In this way colour coordinates for different aspects of the interior of a building can be determined. All Forbo Flooring products carry an NCS code, which can be found next to the enlargement of the tabletop and in our downloadcenter.

    LRV & NCS
    Showtime Graphic loft and Colour
    Showtime Colour

    Showtime brochura

    Veja aqui a brochura Needlefelt Showtime.

    À medida das necessidades do segmento da hotelaria

    Uma alcatifa desenvolvida a pensar no espaços de hotelaria e lazer. Uma construção de produto que previligia, desempenho, conforto e facilidade de limpeza e manutenção e um excelente e superior desempenho acústico.

    A gama Showtime é ideal para hotéis, residências de estudantes, cinemas e teatros. Todos estes espaços têm uma coisa em comum: a necessidade de ter um revestimento de chão extremamente durável e muito resistente ao tráfego. As fibras de poliamida de alta qualidade dão uma proteção adicional contra a sujidade.

    A coleção Showtime é composta por: Showtime Colour e Showtime Graphic.
    As duas gamas foram feitas para poderem ser usadas entre si e criar ambientes originais.

    • construção robusta com fibras de poliamida que garante uma elevada qualidade e bom aspeto permanente.
    • 37 opções de cor e design.

    • 20 dB para o minímo de ruído.
    • Construção de produto com fibras finas de poliamida para maior conforto ao caminhar.

    • A base da Showtime é 100% poliester reciclado.
    • Toda a coleção contém mais de 50% de conteúdo reciclado.

    Showtime Graphic & Colour

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