Sarlon kurulum & zemin bakımı
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Çift (lazer + UV) kürleme teknolojisine sahip XtremPURTM yüzey koruması sayesinde Sarlon zemin kaplamalarının temizliği ve bakımı kolaydır.
- Stain resistant: offers the best possible resistance to staining. For example, ideal for healthcare facilities, where spilled chemicals may cause stains.
- Easy to clean: creates a 3D surface protection that acts as a true shield against soiling. Needs no wax or polish, anti-bacterial and perfectly hygienic.
- Long-lasting performance: offers durable resistance against scuffs and scratches, even in high traffic areas.
- Matt surface: improves the realism of the visual of the floor with a less glossy appearance.
Forbo Flooring, Sarlon zemininizi daha uzun süre temiz tutan ve temizlik maliyetlerini %65'e kadar azaltan uyumlu giriş döşemesi sunar.