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In splicing we differentiate between the three procedures: Bonded Splice Procedures, Melt Splice Procedures, Mechanical Splice Procedures
and offer the appropriate tools.

Heating press for bonded splices

As regards bonded splices we differentiate between heating presses without and with water cooling which can be used in all industries.

All devices have heating platens and are suitable for splicing temperatures of up to 120°C. MAterial widths of 300 mm max. and material thickness of up to 8 mm arte possible.

Heating press for bonded splices
Heating press for bonded splices 2

Type key

* SB = Splicing tools for bonded splices
*2 HP = Heating press

Type Key Bonded Splicing

Further Information

  • 319 EN – Siegling Belting Splicing equipment

    Betling Splicing Equipment
    Siegling Belting
    Ref. No. 319 | Issue 09/20

Heating tools for melt splices

In melt splices the tools are classified according to the specific applications they are used in.

Depending on the belt type, the heating tools can be used for Z-splices, Z-overlap splices, overlap splices and for splicing timing belts in different applications.

Air-cooled Splicing tools

air cooled

Tools for mechanical fasteners

Machine downtimes require rapid assistance.

For exchanging the belt easily and simply

Fitting tools for mechanical fasteners are used in all belts. Without dismantling parts of the machinery they are quick to insert and remove especially for belt repairs. The tools, independent of each of their working widths, are suitable for all material widths, as the belt can be moved on in the tool.

Fitting tool for mechanical fasteners

Type key

* SC = fitting tools for mechanical fasteners
*2 RL = rolled splice tool
FS = comb

Type Key Mechanical Splices

Further Information

  • 319 EN – Siegling Belting Splicing equipment

    Belting Splicing Equipment
    Ref. No. 319 | Issue 09/20