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Photovoltaic system at the Garbsen site goes into operation

Photovoltaic system at the Garbsen site
Photovoltaic system at the Garbsen site

Forbo Movement Systems has put a new photovoltaic system into operation on the roof of one of our production halls in Garbsen, Germany.

The system consists of 332 modules and has an output of 134.460 kWp. This is expected to cover 15 to 20 % of the total energy requirements at the Garbsen site. On sunny days, up to 800 kWh per day can be generated.

This is an important step towards achieving one of our medium-term sustainability goals: By the end of 2025, we want to cover 25% of our energy needs with renewable energy. Forbo Movement Systems is actively committed to climate protection and is continuously working to reduce the carbon footprint of our production.

By expanding renewable energies, we are making an important contribution to reducing global emissions.

About the photovoltaic installation at Forbo Wallbach