Our information policy
Forbo ensures periodic and comprehensive communication with shareholders, the capital markets, media and the public by reporting on business developments and activities of relevance to the company.

– Despite an adverse market environment, net sales declined only slightly
– Double-digit EBIT margin maintained
– Debt-free and solid cash flow
– Dividend remains unchanged at CHF 25 per share
– CO₂ emissions per square meter produced reduced
The Forbo Group – a leading manufacturer of floor coverings, building and construction adhesives, as well as belts for power transmission and conveyor belt solutions – reported net sales of CHF 1,122.0 million in the 2024 business year. This represents a slight decline of 1.7% in local currencies (–4.5% in the corporate currency), despite an adverse market environment. Group operating profit (EBIT) declined by 7.2% to CHF 120.6 million (previous year: CHF 129.9 million). Profit stood at CHF 95.1 million, 7.0% lower compared to the previous year (CHF 102.3 million). With a free cash flow of CHF 91.8 million, the net cash position and treasury shares as of December 31, 2024 increased to CHF 165.3 million.
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Jens Fankhänel, CEO Forbo Group, has fallen ill and must therefore withdraw temporarily from the operational business. Andreas Jaeger, Chief Financial Officer Forbo Group, is managing the company for the time being.
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