
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2



Ready-to-use dispersion adhesive with a high, permanent adhesive strength for installing dimensionally stable PVC slats and tiles on leveled subfloors. Because the adhesive is applied with a fleece roller, there is no chance of adhesive grooves showing through. This also results in favourable consumption and ergonomic processing. Also suitable for gluing or fixing certain types of carpet tiles. Thanks to EMICODE EC 1PLUS (very low emission) also suitable for BREEAM projects

  • 543-ec 1 plus licence uk.pdf

    543-ec 1 plus licence uk.pdf

  • epdfeica- 543 eurosafe deco-uk.pdf

    epdfeica- 543 eurosafe deco-uk.pdf

  • pdf-product-specification.pdf


  • 543-safety data sheet uk.pdf

    543-safety data sheet uk.pdf

  • Product Typification
    Pressure sensitive and high temperature resistant adhesive for the installation of PVC sheet, strips and tiles.
    Basis : Acrylic dispersion.
    Colour : Light blue.
    Consistency : liquid.

    Product advantages:
    • Very low emission
    • Emicode EC 1PLUS
    • Pressure sensitive
    • High temperature resistant
    • Solvent free
    • Non-flammable
    • Favourable spreading capacity
    • No grin through of adhesive trowel marks
    • Easy and safe to apply
    • High final bond strength

  • Performances
    Consumption : 100-150 g/m², on levelled subfloors.
    Curing : 24 hours.*
    Frost resistance : No.
    Specific weight : 1.04 kg/l.
  • Application
    For the installation of dimensionally stable PVC sheet, strips and tiles on levelled subfloors. Suitable for pressure sensitive installation. Also high temperature resistant, up to a structural surface temperature of maximum 50 °C, for installation in areas with direct sunlight.

  • Working Process
    Tools : Eurocol spreader no. 852/A2.
    Waiting time : None.
    Curing : 24 hours.*
    Storage : Store cool and free from frost. Protect against high temperatures.
    Shelf Life : 12 months, in unopened packaging.
    Cleaner : Water.
    Frost-proof : No.
    Sensitive to frost : Yes.

    * The mentioned values have been established in our laboratory and must be considered as guidelines in view of possible variations in climatic circumstances, subfloor compositions and layer thickness.

    100-150 g/m², on levelled subfloors.

    • 543 Eurosafe Deco is suitable for any type of subfloor that has good tensile and compression strength. The subfloor should also be even, clean, permanently dry and free from grease and dirt according to the requirements of BS 8203 or DIN 18 365.
    • Anhydrite floors should be sandpapered. Thereafter make the floor dust free and prime with 044 Europrimer Multi. This layer has to dry sufficiently.
    • For an optimal final result, apply a 2 mm levelling compound layer on the subfloor.
    • In advance always seek our technical data sheets. In doubt about the application ask for technical advice.

    User manual:
    • It is very important to acclimatize the PVC-material for at least 48 hours in the room where it will be installed.
    • Apply the 543 Eurosafe Deco with a fine-notched adhesive spreader (Forbo Eurocol no. 852/A2).
    • The sheets, strips or tiles can be placed directly into the wet, semi moist or dry adhesive.
    • Drying time is depending on temperature, relative humidity and the porosity of the subfloor.
    • After applying carefully roll and firmly rub the strips or tiles in to the adhesive line.
    • Drying time minimal 24 hours.
    • Remove fresh adhesive spots immediately with a clean damp cloth.

    Working conditions:
    Required surrounding temperature : 18 - 23 ºC
    Temperature for material and subfloor : min. 15º - max. 20 ºC.
    Relative humidity : 40-80%.

    High temperature characteristics: underfloor heating systems and direct sunlight:
    543 Eurosafe Deco can be applied on underfloor heating systems. The start protocol of the floor heating needs to be completely executed in accordance with the directives of the supplier. Turn off the heater 24 hours before fixation. Do not heat again until at least 24 hours after fixation, in steps of maximum 5 °C water temperature per day.

    If there is the possibility that the PVC- strips or tiles will get warmer than 50 °C (also by sunlight), you have to choose for a polyurethane bonding.

    543 Eurosafe Deco is tested in combination with high temperatures. The adhesive is tested suitable for installing PVC-material, exposed to higher temperatures such as direct sunlight provided the surface does not exceed 50 °C. Installation in wet adhesive is preferred for such conditions.

    Contains methylchloroisothiazolinone and methylisothiazolinone (3:1) and benzisothiazolinone. May produce an allergic reaction.

  • Quality and guarantee
  • Environment and health
    Hazard Class : None.
    Safety and environment : Safety data sheets of Forbo Eurocol products according to EEG-guideline 91/155. Keep out of reach of children. Do not eat, drink or smoke while processing the product. Only give completely empty containers for recycling. Bound material residues can be disposed of as household waste.
    MSDS : For extensive information about safety and environment we refer to our website

  • Articles
    543Eurosafe Deco10 kg bucket.8 710345 543002