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Акустические покрытия

Sarlon 15 dB acoustic vinyl

Designed with advanced acoustic technology, Sarlon 15 dB effectively reduces noise. With the lowest residual indentation for acoustic vinyl flooring and cutting-edge XtremPUR™ surface protection, this floor is suitable for heavy loads and will stay looking like new for years. Experience the perfect combination of style and functionality with Sarlon flooring!

  • Sarlon 15 dB acoustic vinyl
  • Sarlon 15 dB acoustic vinyl
  • Sarlon 15 dB acoustic vinyl
  • Sarlon Modul'up_8713 medium narrow oak
    Sarlon 15 дБ Wood

    Sarlon 15 дБ Wood

    Оптимальный компромисс между акустическими требованиями и требованиями к интенсивному движению
    • Уникальное предложение на рынке
    • Наименьший показатель остаточного вдавливания, подходящий для тяжелых нагрузок
    • Снижение акустического шума в 15 дБ при высокой производительности

    Sarlon Wood сочетает в себе естественный, аутентичный внешний вид деревянного пола с преимуществами высококачественного винилового напольного покрытия. Ассортимент включает в себя большое разнообразие актуальных расцветок и дизайнов под дерево. Посмотрите, например, на доски небольшого размера с едва заметными сучками и цветовыми вариациями вечного дизайна под дуб, или игривое сочетание паркетных досок.

    Все дизайны Sarlon разработаны таким образом, чтобы дополнять друг друга и органично сочетаться с другими коллекциями Forbo.

  • Sarlon Modul'up_4613 mortar urban concrete
    Sarlon 15 дБ Material

    Sarlon 15 дБ Material

    Оптимальный компромисс между акустическими требованиями и требованиями к интенсивному движению
    • Уникальное предложение на рынке
    • Наименьший показатель остаточного вдавливания, подходящий для тяжелых нагрузок
    • Снижение акустического шума в 15 дБ при высокой производительности
    Коллекция Salon Material представляет широкий спектр современных дизайнов, вдохновленных популярными материалами для пола, таких как цемент, бетон и камень. Обратите внимание, например, на изделия под бетон urban concrete с их интересным балансом между бетоном и гладким камнем, на новые цвета nairobi с ярко выраженными ассоциациями с текстилем и на модный дизайн из травертина.

    Все дизайны Sarlon разработаны таким образом, чтобы дополнять друг друга и органично сочетаться с другими коллекциями Forbo.

  • Sarlon Modul'up_90706 floral halo
    Sarlon 15 дБ Graphic и Colour

    Sarlon 15 дБ Graphic и Colour

    Оптимальный компромисс между акустическими требованиями и требованиями к интенсивному движению
    • Уникальное предложение на рынке
    • Наименьший показатель остаточного вдавливания, подходящий для тяжелых нагрузок
    • Снижение акустического шума в 15 дБ при высокой производительности

    Sarlon Graphic и Colour представляет красочную линейку утонченных дизайнов, которые соответствуют последним цветовым тенденциям и сочетаются с другими линейками проектного винила от Forbo, такими как Eternal и Sphera. Изделия Uni имеют износостойкий слой, который придает цветам большую глубину. Обратите внимание на красочные артикулы mini terrazzo, которые легко сочетаются с другими цветами, и уникальный дизайн Halo, который привносит в комнату игривость, свет и оптимизм.

Hybrid solution without compromise

Sarlon 15 dB flooring offers a unique product proposition in the market. The combination of the comfort of 15 dB acoustic sound reduction and the lowest residual indentation for an acoustic product makes this vinyl floor the best compromise when it comes to acoustic and heavy traffic requirements.

Sarlon 15 dB is an acclaimed flooring solution where heavy wheeled equipment is used, such as hospital corridors. The performance of a Sarlon floor is further enhanced by the XtremPURTM lacquer that ensures that the more than 80 different colour and design options in the collection will continue to look great for years.

Sarlon 15 dB
• extensive range of attractive designs
• 15 dB impact sound reduction
• excellent indentation performance
• suitable for heavy loads
• high performance XtremPURTM protection
• best stain resistance & easy to clean and maintain
• durable resistance against scuff and scratch
• anti-bacterial
• R10 slip resistance rating
• phthalate free
• up to 20% recycled content

The colours of this collection are also available in a Sarlon 19 dB and loose lay Modul'up 19 dB or Modul'up Compact sheet product construction.

Sarlon_8723 weathered narrow oak

Unmatched sound reduction

Forbo Flooring is an expert when it comes to sound reduction. Our flooring solutions are designed to address two types of disruptive noise: in-room impact sound and transmitted impact sound.

In-room impact sound
This is the noise generated within the same room, such as footsteps or moving furniture. Modul'up and Sarlon are Class A rated, the highest possible classification for sound reduction, ensuring a calmer, quieter space that increases well-being and productivity.

Transmitted impact sound
This is the sound that travels through the floor from one level to the level below, which is often a concern in multi-story buildings. Our floors with 19 dB rating deliver the best possible impact sound reduction, as tested and proven by the EN ISO 717-2 standard. By minimizing the sound transmission, our flooring creates a quieter and more comfortable environment for the floors below.

Thanks to these superior sound reduction properties, Modul'up and Sarlon floors lead the way in innovation, combining acoustic comfort with excellent performance for a variety of spaces.

Sarlon 15 dB_sound reduction

Experience our design expertise

The Modul’up and Sarlon collections are thoughtfully designed for various segments, inspired by the latest interior design trends that effortlessly blend style and functionality and lay the foundation for endless possibilities.

The Modul'up and Sarlon ranges offer diversity of function, but share the same colour palette that includes over 80 colours and designs. Whether you’re seeking a natural ambiance, a soft and welcoming atmosphere or a bold, extravagant statement, Modul’up and Sarlon strike the perfect balance. Each design is intentionally created to harmonize easily with other materials and finishes, encouraging creativity while maintaining a cohesive aesthetic. With an emphasis on nature, lightness and positivity, these designs invite you to explore creative freedom.

Our moodboards capture the harmonious blend of patterns and textures, illustrating how effortlessly they complement each other and seamlessly integrate with other Forbo collections.

Modul'up & Sarlon design
Sarlon - 91651 grey travertine

Sarlon installation & floorcare

Download the Sarlon installation instructions
Download the Sarlon cleaning & maintenance instructions

Matching welding rods have been developed for all Sarlon items.

Sarlon floor coverings are easy to clean and maintain, thanks to the XtremPURTM surface protection with double (laser + UV) curing technology.

  • Stain resistant: offers the best possible resistance to staining. For example, ideal for healthcare facilities, where spilled chemicals may cause stains.
  • Easy to clean: creates a 3D surface protection that acts as a true shield against soiling. Needs no wax or polish, anti-bacterial and perfectly hygienic.
  • Long-lasting performance: offers durable resistance against scuffs and scratches, even in high traffic areas.
  • Matt surface: improves the realism of the visual of the floor with a less glossy appearance.

Forbo Flooring offers compatible entrance flooring that keeps your Sarlon floor cleaner for longer and reduces cleaning costs by up to 65%.

Sarlon_scratch resistance

Sample book & brochure

See the Sarlon & Modul'up sample book for an overview of all collection items:

For more information, you can read our brochure:

Creating better environments

Our Forbo Flooring Systems tagline - creating better environments - expresses our awareness, commitment and efforts towards sustainability. For our Sarlon floors, we have taken concrete steps to be as durable as possible.

Durable production
• Controlled supply chain certification – ISO 14001 and 9001 standards and SA8000 for ethical supply chain.
• Sarlon production is dedicated to the concept of zero waste. 100% of production waste is reused within Forbo Flooring.
• Maximized use of recycled content in all products, Sarlon contains up to 20% recycled content and actual content is published in our EPD.
• Back to the floor – returned floors can be recycled to close the material loop.
• Sarlon is produced in an environment where substantial reductions of CO2 have been achieved and where additional improvements are planned.

Long lasting & healthy floor
• Sarlon has a product lifetime that surpasses that of ordinary vinyl flooring.
• Sarlon is 100% phthalate free.
• Sarlon floors have very low product emissions.
• Only 100% safe and traceable REACH compliant materials are used.

Forbo uses Life Cycle Assessments to identify and continuously improve the environmental performance of our floors. Our independently verified Environmental Product Declarations provide a framework for measuring a building’s environmental footprint and give you the information you need to make a sustainable decision.
Here you can download the Sarlon EPD

Read more about Forbo Flooring Systems’ sustainability program.

Sustainability Sarlon acoustic vinyl

Sarlon 15 dB images

See how effortlessly the colours and designs of the Sarlon acoustic vinyl range complement each other. Whether you’re leaning towards understated elegance or making a bold, extravagant statement, let the images of the endless design possibilities inspire you!