The Transtex type PVK125LN LRxFS-NA black was developed for conveying baggage, boxes, or parcels on inclined conveyor systems with with an incline of …
Flame retardant Siegling Transilon belts (SE/FR) prevent the fire from spreading. In keeping with EN 20340/ISO 340 (SE) and MSHA Std 2G (…
The new Transilon Type E 12/3 U0/U10 MT black has been developed for applications in the recycling industry and is used in particular for…
The new PD2+ U30 MT-NA-HACCP blue FDA type is part of the Siegling Fullsan product line and is a reinforced PD2 version. Power transmissi…
The new Transilon Type E 12/3 U0/U10 MT black has been developed for applications in the recycling industry and is used in particular for…
The new Transilon AE 60/3 U0/U4H MT black belt was developed for the wood industry and is used as a prepress belt for processes with high…
The new Transilon type E 12/3 U0/U10 MT green-T FDA is used in particular in the automotive industry as an unloading or inspection belt i…
The new type FLT U30 NP/MT-NA-HACCP BL FDA belongs to the Siegling Fullsan Flat series in the non-reinforced FLT Fullsan version. Its mat…
The new type FLT U30 MT/GL-NA-HACCP BL FDA belongs to the Siegling Fullsan Flat series in the non-reinforced FLT Fullsan version. Its smo…
The new type FLT U30 GL/MT-NA-HACCP BL FDA belongs to the Siegling Fullsan Flat series in the non-reinforced FLT Fullsan version. Its mat…
The new type FLT U30 MT/NP-NA-HACCP BL FDA belongs to the Siegling Fullsan Flat series in the non-reinforced FLT Fullsan version. The inv…
Amp Miser energy saving conveyor belts: One of Forbo’s key corporate objectives is to maximize environmental friendliness and to enhance product value…
Hanover, March 2019 – New even more energy-saving, robust and quiet additions to the tried-and-tested AmpMiser™ 2.0 range.
Hanover, Germany, March 29, 2023 – Superb printing results on tiles in the ceramics industry with Forbo’s new printing blanket
Hanover, Germany June 30, 2021 – Metal-detectable conveyor belt provides extra hygiene in production processes
Hanover, December 01, 2022 – New cold-resistant conveyor belts with PVC coating for the intralogistics segment
In this section we offer you information on our new products for various industries.
From the processing of solid wood to Wood Board Manufacture. For the efficient processing of wood the functions of the conveyor belts used in the proc…
Electromobility is becoming increasingly important in the automotive industry – in every part of the world. Tesla, one of the best-known US-American e…
Hanover, Germany, March 29, 2023 – When it comes to sharp and heavy products, lots of conveyor belts quickly fail. In the worst-case scenario, damage …
Here you can find brochures regarding Forbo Movement Systems. Today’s markets demand a high level of flexibility and dynamism in all areas of a compa…
SSI SCHAEFER is one of the world’s leading providers of intralogistics solutions, materials handling and storage systems. At around 70 operative comp…
Hanover July 07, 2020 – New robust belt for very low temperatures.
Forbo Siegling, total belting solutions, High-Efficiency Timing Belts, Siegling Proposition, power transmission, conveying, timing belts, Siegling, Tr…
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2.25 2.7 8.0 50/36/– -10/+80 85 3100 –/–/–/– ● ● ●/●/ ● E 8/2 U0/V5 MT white FDA 900028 2.2 2.5 6.0 30/24/– -10/+70 65 4500…
/+70 ● e 12/2 v5/v10 St R/GL vert 900053 3,25 3,9 11,5 60 -10/+70 ● e 18/3 U0/v20 vert 900088 4,8 5,7 16,0 125 -70/+70 ● e 8/H
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PHR2-160 mRT X bb-Na noir
raccord en Z ou méandre – enroulement sans fin Longueur (sans fin) > 710 mm Largeur 5 – 400 mm Formes de dent t/at /L/H/Ht D et autres…