Pilih Negara Anda

Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2




Quality management

ISO 9001
Fifteen European Forbo Movement Systems sites are ISO 9001 certified. We monitor our quality on all key points when services and products are created. This is ensured by a process-driven system performance indicators. Quality and efficiency of the core processes are monitored, controlled and improved with the aid of this system.

Environmental management

ISO 14001
In order to secure and structure environmental protection as a corporate goal, we launched a certified ISO 14001 environmental management system in the German and Swiss sites. All Forbo Movement Systems employees are included in this system. Certification allows for continual improvement in environmental performance.

Energy management

EN ISO 50001
The above-mentioned German sites are also the pioneers when it comes to launching an EN ISO 50001 energy-management system. The goal is to cut energy consumption consistently. A dedicated energy-management team develops long-term strategies to ensure this goal is achieved. Participation in the Netzwerk Energieeffizienz Hannover-Harz (Hannover-Harz Energy-efficiency network) helps us gain from the experience of other companies and vice versa.

The steps we take to cut energy consumption are based on increasing awareness of the areas where consumption is caused. The improvements trialed in Hanover (Germany) and Garbsen (Germany) are in future to be transferred to other sites. Innovative new processes are also planned. These include using energy emitted from the afterburner for heating purposes and a new control system for compressed air.

Further Information

  • IMS Policy 2022 EN

    Safety Policy
    Forbo Siegling