Pilih Negara Anda

Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2

Values & Mission

Values & Mission

As a global leader in movement systems, we create best-in-class solutions that enable our customers to keep their businesses up to speed. Our dedication and expertise brings more rewarding perspectives for all our stakeholders.

We want to harness our global presence with 300 service points to maintain and build on our position as a global player. We’re convinced that quality, and constantly improving quality, play a vital role in the process. Quality is manifested both in durable and efficient products and in professional and customer-driven support. We consistently act in a way that we would wish to be treated ourselves - as a reliable partner.

Values & Mission

The mission: sustainable success

Business success and sustainability are not contradictions in terms, in fact quite the opposite. In the long term, a strong position on the market will only be filled by companies with a progressive approach to their businesses and respect for people and the environment. Sustainable management is a key condition for gaining the trust of our customers, workforce, investors and all other interest groups that are so vital to us.

Which is why the core economic, ecological and social aspects of sustainability are not just a trend at Forbo Movement Systems, but are anchored firmly throughout our business and way into the future in our values.

We’re constantly enhancing our experience and developing our technologies to meet the challenges posed by industry, society and the environment. Our values remain unchanged.