Pilih Negara Anda

Pulldown 2
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Pulldown 2

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct not only ensures, but goes beyond compliance with the laws and regulations wherever we run our business.

It demonstrates our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in every situation while at the same time respecting people’s rights as individuals.

Our key business principles and basic values are summarized in our code of conduct. You can download the detailed Code of Conduct, that each Forbo employee agrees to abide by, on the right-hand side.

Code of Conduct

The code deals with the following issues:

1. Compliance with Laws and Internal Regulations

We undertake to be aware of the laws and Forbo regulations and guidelines that are relevant for the exercise of our professional duties. We undertake to comply with each and any such law, regulation or guideline.

2. Business Integrity: No Tolerance of any Form of Corruption

We do not engage in any form of bribery (including facilitation payments), whether active or passive or direct or indirect. We do not offer or accept any inappropriate gifts or other advantages.

3. Fair Competition

We comply with the applicable competition laws. We deal fairly, honestly and in good faith with customers, business partners, the public, our competitors, third party service providers and others.

4. Rights of Employees

We provide equal opportunities and an environment where we respect the rights of colleagues to work free from any form of discrimination or harassment.

5. Health, Safety and Environment

We comply with the wording and the spirit of health and safety laws as well as environmental regulations and respect and protect the environment wherever we work.

6. Conflicts of Interest

We conduct all business transactions with the best interests of Forbo in mind. Under no circumstances will we exploit any business opportunity that conflicts with the interests of Forbo.

7. Use and Protection of Assets and Information

We protect Forbo’s assets and intellectual property rights. Personal data shall be processed ensuring the privacy of the individual.

8. Records and Accounting

We properly record all business transactions in our books.

9. Regulations regarding Trading of Forbo Securities

We undertake not to disclose price-sensitive information regarding Forbo to the public and not to use material non-public information for personal gain or for the personal gain of anybody else.

Forbo Integrity Line

Should Forbo as an exception not fully live up its business principles and basic values, we encourage you to report this to us via the Forbo Integrity Line. You may alternatively call the Corporate Compliance Officer at +41 58 787 25 46 or send an email to compliance@forbo.com.

File a report

Click here to file an electronic compliance report with the Compliance Officer via the Forbo Integrity Line.